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It was enormous to say the least, just like it always had been. Black and emerald green coated the walls, plants and ivy leaves in almost every corner, marble staircase and floors, an alcoholic beverage bar, a long black glass dining table and a kitchen island the list could go on about how they visually present their wealthiness.

We'd just arrived at the Malfoy manor and Narcissa was already smothering me in cuddles and mother like affection "oh I've missed you darling!" she chirped in between kisses on the cheek.

"You look well Nars!" I exclaimed squeezing her shoulders as I held her in front of me, her plain red lipstick that always looked so gorgeous on her plump lips, red the colour of; lust, violence, love, anger and yet it always fitted her pale complexion so well.

"Why thank you Adeline I also-"

"Erm...hello mom, your real daughter over here!" Evelyn chuckled holding out her arms.

"Oh of course sweetheart." Narcissa announced walking towards Eve embracing her into a smothering hug whilst flashing me a inaudible 'oops'.

I chuckled to myself as I went to carry my trunk up to Eve's room, all the other rooms were under a serious makeovers and renovations apart from Draco's, Evelyn's and the parents.

"No no! Leave it I'll get Draco down." Narcissa announced.

"Oh no it's fi-"

"Draco dear come help the girls with their trunks!" She shouted before I could protest.

I wanted to shrivel up and die right there.

The platinum blonde headed boy strolled down the stairs in oh...oh god a black t-shirt and black joggers so plain yet so flattering on him.

I cleared my throat as my eyes flooded with desire and want, as I managed to tear my eyes away from him Narcissa was already glaring at me with a knowing grin, cocking her brow and head subtly to Draco as she looked at me, I mouthed 'no' as I waved my hand under my chin she chuckled as a tint of redness seeped into my cheeks.

"It's okay I can take it, thank you." I mumbled to Draco reaching out for my trunk.

"No it's fine, I've got it." He offered a half hearted smile as he picked up mine and Eve's trunks.

"I'll show you to the room." he informed as he began to walk up the stairs, I followed on ahead as Eve's voice echoed throughout the manor "I'll be right behind you Ade, just going to speak to mother." and before I could argue her and Narcissa waltzed into the kitchen giggling leaving me and Draco alone as I followed behind him, I knew their game.

We walked down the long corridor in silence as I winced at the awkwardness, the last time we were alone didn't go down a treat.

He opened the door to Eve's room holding it open for me to enter.

As I thanked him walking in it was definitely not what I expected; peach and white coloured walls, fluffy pink bedding and pillows accompanied with dozens of fire wood scented candles.

"Wouldn't believe she's my sister would you?"a raspy dark voice muttered from the door frame.

"Definitely not." I chuckled inspecting the room.

"Look Ade..." he started whilst rubbing the back of his necks.

"I—it's okay, let's just leave it." I interrupted before he could continue the immensely awkward conversation about the other day.

There was a slither of a moment where our eyes met each other's, tangling in one another's gaze as his silvers met my hazels, his icy eyes so captivating as I struggled to read the emotion in his deep black depths.

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