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I was seated in a large wooden chair in Dumbledores office. I examined the room looking over shelves on top of shelves of books, a platter of sweets sitting on the edge of his desk as he sat behind it.

"Miss Roberts." He questioned with a concerned tone.

"Yes sir." I replied nodding my head in acknowledgement, although I wasn't really with it. I couldn't help but let my mind spin on wheels just coming up with some reason as to why this is happening. Then my mind drifted to Draco, I shouldn't be this mad about him almost kissing Pansy but I was and that's that!

"We've been a bit...well concerned lately about you." He spoke up interrupting my thoughts.

"Why's that?" I replied with a cocked brow fiddling with my rings not bothering to make eye contact.

"Well, we know that this isn't the first time that this has happened to you and it's becoming a bit of  a concern, Adeline." he looked uneasy as he spoke, like I was a mental patient. Careful with his choice of words.

I scowled at his condescending tone, the way he stepped around eggshells when he spoke to me.

"Sir, I can assure you there's no reason to be concerned." I replied bluntly with an expressionless look.

"But you-

"I'm fine!" I demanded a little to harshly, but I was tired, whatever that was drained the life out of me.

"Well if you insist Miss Roberts, you're free to go." He offered as his hand directed me to the exit of his office. Worry still plastered on his eyes.

As i gandered down the cold corridors of the dimly lit castle my thoughts drifted, who was it? Was it just a terrible re-occurring nightmare? Was someone really in need of my help?

"What happened?" A familiar voice echoed down the corridor interrupting me of my thoughts as I made my way to my dorm.

"Surprised you're arsed, Malfoy." I replied without bothering to even flash a glance in his direction, fury pumped throughout my bloodstream as earlier conversations rang in my ears.

"I asked you what happened, Adeline!" He shouted growing impatient.

"Oh fuck off Draco, do me a massive fucking favour and fuck off." I scowled pivoting on my heels to face him as i carried my books on top of my forearms.

"Look I'm sorry Ade, It was a dare and I never knew I'd actua—

He paused when he watched my expression drop, I'd never felt so utterly beaten and done over as a sheet of anger knocked over my expression, did I just fucking hear that right?. "W—what?" I stuttered as bile rose to my throat clogging my breathing pattern.

"W—oh shi—Adeline I thought—fuck I'm sorry!" He muttered trying to find the right words to what he'd just told me.

"You fucking bastard!" I screamed slamming my fists into his chest "you absolute arsehole!" I continued to scream as he grabbed a hold of my wrists in attempt to stop my weak punches.

"Adeline please believe me, the first initial sex we had it—it was a bet b-but then, then you intoxicated me Adeline—I—I grew feelings for you, fuck—you're more than that to me Roberts I swear, I have feelings for you, surely you can see that!" He pleaded as our gaze's met each other's.

His eyes broke before me as they examined my tear streaked cheeks, his deeps silvers now a solid shade of dull grey as pricks of water glistened at his eyes betraying him the steamy tears attacked his cheeks.

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