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I sat with my back pressed against the wooden chair, minimal effort to draw my attention to the textbook open in front of me on my desk.

Professor Snape babbling on about the consequences he can set out for each student if they bollock up the potions set out for the next year.

I always liked potions, don't get me wrong.

But the pressure you're under as the intimidating professor stares at you with eyes that scream 'don't mess this up!' makes it hard to enjoy.

Mind you though, I doubt his aim is to make it joyful.

I leant forward shaking my head slightly to draw my whole attention to what I am reading.

veritaserum, a truth-telling potion. When administrated, it forces the consumer to answer questions with complete honesty.

A wand smacks on the paper of my textbook as I'm drawn out of reading to focus on Snape's gaze peering down at me.

I hear Kol and Draco chuckle behind me.


"Seen as your nose is to busy buried in that book instead of paying your attention to me, I take it you're the lucky individual whom will be consuming the veritaserum, correct?" Snape dragged in his slow condescending manor.

"But sir-

"Correct?" He interrupted with a harsher gaze, more of a stare really.

"Yes professor." I replied rolling my eyes.

"You may also have detention for that!" He shouted.

He never really liked me.

Mind you, does he like anyone?

"I shall give you the serum I brewed earlier today and I shall select a few individuals whom will ask you one question each." He spoke as he walked away from my desk to collect the serum.

Merlin, help me.

"Evelyn,...Ginny,...Lavender,...Blaise,...Kol,...Harry and...Draco." The potions master announced.

I gulped dry saliva when I'd heard Draco's name, why? Why him?

My heart thud rapidly in my chest.

"You shall be the ones questioning Miss Roberts here."

I overheard Kol chuckle a "This shall be fun."

"Oh indeed." A sneer reply left Draco's lips.

I wanted to crawl up my own fucking arse and die.

"Miss Roberts please stand here." He pointed his wand to where he'd wanted me to stand.

Great, right in the middle of the front of the class.

Just brilliant.

Snape handed me a clear vial with burnt edged parchment attached to the glass reading 'veritaserum'. A clear liquid, looks exactly just as water does.

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