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TW: Talks of sexual assault, torture and violent scenes.

In a daze of deep sleep I still managed to feel two hands slip beneath my back, as my body lifted from the mattress my eyelids began to flutter open.

As my sleepy state faded into full consciousness i burrowed the heels of my palms lightly into my eyes. I was also confused as to why I was slumped over Jayden's shoulder...

"Jay?" I questioned as I adjusted my eyes to the new setting.

His facial expressions screamed composure but his body language massively lacked that aspect. He appeared to be sort of...rigid. Almost strained.

I could just make out the suns absence still visible in what seemed to be the nights sky. The only illumination being the crescent of the moon that sat adequately in the...sombre sky.

His heavy steel boots trudged nonchalantly down the creaky wooden stairs of the unlit cottage, his robes swaying behind him being the only noise to ricochet off of the thin walls.

"Jay!" I huffed impatiently through gritted teeth as his fingers began to gradually dig into my ribs, the sensitivity causing me to hiss out in a dull ache.

The pain began to grow intolerable as he held me against his shoulder, I attempted to wriggle from under his vice like grip but had minimal luck as he just clutched tighter. "Fuck Jay you're hurting me—"

"Stupefy..." He hissed.

I felt frozen.

My whole body Immobile as I laid stiff under Jay's increasingly inflaming clasp, my body shook. Not physically, but internally. My nerve endings screamed for relief as my bones threatened to shatter at my internal fight.

What was he doing? More importantly, why?

My gut twisted into knots in a state of worry as my blood vessels threatens to burst from my attempt at destructing the spell.

My heart was thrashing vigorously in my chest as the bitter breeze of the unsettling night air seeped into my pores.

The cottage door slammed behind us as Jay carried me to apparation point.

Apparation point...?

With a simple crack my gut wrenched uncontrollably at the stunning spell and apparation mixture. My adrenaline pumped throughout my veins as every nerve ending in my body screamed at me to break free.

I couldn't make out where we were as I still laid stiffly over Jayden's shoulder. His boots crunching over the gravel sent my brain into a frenzied state as my muscles clenched in anticipation.

My eyes flew wide as the metal gates closed creakily behind us, the letter 'M' mocking me non-verbally as the taunting logo distanced from my view.

"So gullible Adeline, always so trusting." Jay chuckled deeply as the familiar Malfoy manors hedges screamed at me in mockery.

I wanted to scream.

To run.

To fight.

But my bones lay stiff, unwilling to move.

The chill only deepened as I was escorted inside of the Malfoy manor. No signs of a home were evident, just embers of pure chill floating around what was merely an estate, if that.

"Why father, I have her." Jay shouted triumphantly as his laughter ricocheted viciously from the manors thick walls. Chills ripped down my spine in an unwelcoming technique, like a sharp white-hot needle burrowing itself into the flesh of my back.

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