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The natural illumination of natures rays beamed onto my skin, peering through my window as I hummed at the slither of morning bliss casting over my limbs like fairy dust; until the thudding of intoxication and bad decisions began to pound at my temples. I groaned at the churning of nausea swirling throughout my stomach, I clutched my palm to my temples as I pinched my eyes shut in hopefulness of slipping back into comfort. I needed sugar, fluids and as much food as my stomach can keep from regurgitating back up my throat. 

I rolled onto my back as I inhaled sharply at the sickening internal growls of my stomach. I began to relax my eyelids as I feathered them open a smidge, the dazzling luminosity of the sun assaulted my diluted irises as I instantly pinched my eyes shut with the defence of my palms covering my sensitive morning eyes. "Oh god," I groaned as I turned back on my side.

The silence of the morning consumed my ears in a slither of comfort as the birds beyond my window began to twitter in singsong, the tense muscles wired rigid in my face began to soften as I nuzzled back into the cotton of my soothing cushion. Tugging the plush duvet over my shoulders I rustled in comfort in hopes of slipping back into a state of slumbered euphoria. 

"Oh for fuck sakes," I growled in annoyance as the piercing ring of my alarm began to drum shrilling screams on my eardrums. My arm snaked out of the duvet as I repeatedly slammed my palm on the stopper of the timepiece, the booming echoes of the clock proceeded to ricochet amongst the walls of my bedroom. I flung my legs from the dip in the mattress as I pressed the bare soles of my feet to the hardwood floors. Clutching my alarm I slammed my palm onto to sound stopper, exhaling deeply as the shrill echo halted. The time read six-thirty as I soon realised lessons began at eight o'clock. 

Damn Kol Fletcher for making me drink on a Sunday night.

I curved my hand as I cupped my palm a few inches from my mouth, I deeply exhaled my staggering breath into my palm as I inhaled through my nose. I pinched my eyes shut at the need of extra-minty toothpaste and a scorching shower to wash away the grim of the previous night. I groaned tiredly as I stood and stretched my limbs, lifting my arms as I cracked my knuckles. 

I proceeded to waddle over to my en-suite as my finger felt for the switch, I hissed like a vampire first sighting daylight as the intruding fluorescent illumination of the light bulb casted a glow over my morning essentials. I padded over to the glass shower as I slid open the door, turning the knob as I allowed the water to warm up. 

I plopped a smidge of minty toothpaste onto the fine bristles of my toothbrush, scrubbing the substance over my teeth as my mouth foamed with white excess. I made sure to brush extra harsh along my tongue as I attempted to scrub away any indications of fire whiskey and unknown liquor, I fought the gags and retches as I went as far back as humanely possible. Spitting the residue into the basin of the sink I grasped the neck of the mouthwash bottle, pouring the burning liquid into my mouth as I winced at the sting. After flossing I peeled my night attire from my body, I casted my glance upon the shower as the scorching droplets casted a layer of condensation upon the glass. 

I slipped off my last item of clothing as I stepped into the threshold of the shower, sliding the blurred glass door behind me as an instant warmth hugged my body. The metallic head hung loosely above my frame as the hot water trickled down my porcelain skin, soothing my aching muscles as I hummed into the cozy droplets. The steam from the shower was thick and clouded the air as I washed away the stench of marijuana that was embedded into my skin. I poured a generous amount of body wash into my palm and proceeded to lather the coconut and honey scented cleanser over my heated skin. Moving onto the shampoo I began to weave the soap through my roots as the pads of my fingers massaged the substance through the tangled knots of my long hair.

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