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It'd been a brilliant Christmas so far. Kol, Draco, Evelyn and myself spent the majority of the day around the fireplace with mugs of hot chocolate and exchanging gifts. Meanwhile, Narcissa demanded not to stop to join us until everything in the kitchen was ready. We all insisted we help but we had no luck.

Draco was overwhelmed at the fact I'd even bought him a Christmas present, he'd gave me a little telling off for spending my money on him but embraced me with a sincere thank you.

"Dinners ready!" Narcissa called out from the kitchen, and like little children we all pushed each other out of the way to get to the table first.

Glorious scents of; buttered vegetables, turkey, stuffing, pigs in blankets, roast potatoes, yorkshire puddings and much more invaded my nostrils encouraging my belly to rumble a little more.

I sat myself down next to Draco without raising any suspicion to Kol and Narcissa, Eve looked over the table attempting to catch my eyesight as she smirked a large grin at me.

We all tucked in, placing various assortments onto Narcissa's special occasion China plates. As we ate we all continuously complimented her on her outstanding cooking skills groaning and adding on mouth watering sounds for extra affect.

After we'd finished our enormous meal we all remained seated, bloated with our hands nursing our overfilled tummies.

"Hey Narcissa, I'll do the dishes for you." I offered with a a genuine smile.

"Oh darling don't be ridiculous - "

"I insist, it's the least I can do to thank you for allowing me to spend the winter holidays here!" I exclaimed already picking up the dishes.

"You really are a sweetheart Adeline." She voiced in awe.

I kissed her on the cheek, hugging and thanking her for the meal as did everyone else as they got up to continue slumping around the fire.

I began to fill the sink and wash the dishes in the soapy warm liquid, humming Christmas songs to myself.

"Never knew being a pot washer was on the career list, Roberts." a dark hoarse voice spoke from the doorway.

"Why of course, Draco! I believe it to be the most challenging job off all." I replied, dripping in sarcasm.

I heard him suppress a playful scoff as he strolled over to dry the dishes and put them away, I observed from the corner of my eye as he rolled his sleeves halfway up his forearms as well as popping open three of the buttons on his Oxford shirt.

I subtly examined that little V at the bottom of his neck, along with his large addams apple and the slight display of his chiselled collar bones. His hair was in a messy state, strands falling over his eyes as he shook his head in attempt to move them from his vision.

"See something you like, Roberts?" he questioned me tauntingly as he caught my eyes latching onto him.

"Oh get off of your high hoarse, Malfoy." I hissed with a playful smirk.

I watched as he plastered that same annoyingly handsome smirk on his face.

"Why don't you be a good girl, shut up and behave." He growled as he cocked a brow and grin towards me.

"Make me." I whispered as I anchored my top teeth into my bottom lip.

He practically growled in annoyance and hunger as he pushed my back against the edge of the sink, lightly squeezing my throat and lacing his bottom lip with his tongue. Fanning his warm breath against my neck and down my chest he planted a set of nibbles and kisses into the crook of my perfume. Sighs of need and lust tumbled from my lips as I struggled to find the right words. I observed as a stiff positioning rose from in between his legs as a ravenous expression flashed over his face, he looked hungry for desire. The rough pads of his fingers dancing down my stomach making my body feel electrified, he made me feel electrified. "You..." he moaned slowly into my ear in an exasperated breath "you...are something else Adeline" he groaned as his skin massaged my heat for just the shortest time of two seconds, he snapped his hand away as he did so with his body.

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