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This is a quick p.s.a guys.

Kol and Draco are step brothers but as Narcissa's affair, they don't live together but are blood relatives.

Narcissa had an affair with Kols dad when Lucius disappeared for a year on a death eater job for the ministry with Adeline's father. ( I forgot to put this on my first chapter in the story ). As that's cleared up enjoy the chapter please vote and comment it really does encourage me to keep going.

I love all of you devoted readers.

Let me know what you guys think of the story so far!


We arrived at the club, we all walked down the stairs to the main floor as Eve, Bex and myself waltzed in front of the boys to the ladies bathroom.

As we approached the classical nightclub bathroom; scents of vomit, alcohol and sex overloaded our nostrils, every cubical filled with cigarette smoke and empty marijuana packets. We all spoke of how it's been a long time coming getting drunk altogether as we pulled our outfits from our bags.

Eve, wore a beautiful emerald off the shoulder tight mini dress pulling her hair tie from her hair allowing her pretty blonde curls to fall past her shoulders.

Bex, wore a gorgeous v-neck, dark blue, suede skin tight dress with matching heels. The dark colour complimenting her olive skin as she applied a deep red lipstick.

And myself, I wore a black satin slinky cowl neck dress, the material tightening around my breasts and hips with the colour almost matching my hair that was in loose curls reaching my lower back, I slipped on a black pair of heels with red bottoms.

I felt sexier than ever as I applied black subtle eyeshadow around my eyes and a burgundy lipstick replacing the gloss I was wearing.

"Fuck me Eve, who's that rocket?" Bex nudged Eve as she pointed at me, I chuckled as I looked at the two fetching ladies bowing my hands down my body as I smirked at them.

"Reckon we have a chance?" Eve questioned as Bex shook her head, "oh behave!" I winked at them both.

We all formed into a small circle as we made a pact "right ladies, here's to an amazingly fucked up night—let's have a fucking blast!" Eve announced with a smirk and we all clapped our hands heading out of the toilets. We looked around for the men as we searched the club struggling to find them, and there they were Draco and Kol sitting leaned back on a sofa in the corner of the club their arms resting on the arms of the sofa as they knocked back their bottled beers as Blaise and Crabbe stood laughing with each other.

We all waved hello as we strolled over to them, Bex heading over to Crabbe as she planted two kisses on his cheek, him complimenting how captivating she looked, so sweet they really do belong together.

I looked over to Kol and Draco as I watched their eyes tour up my body from my now bare legs all the way up to my face "fucking hell" is all I heard Kol say as he looked me in the eyes, I blushed as he rose from his seat "fucking...hell" he repeated again more slowly as he strolled towards me. I looked over to Draco to see a tinge of blush to his cheeks as he mouth fell slightly apart with his eye boring into mine, I flashed him a wink as he smirked shaking his head as he rubbed his chin.

"Don't you look ravishing darling." Kol smirked as he fiddled with a strand of my hair leaning over my body "ooh be quiet!" I exclaimed as I lightly pushed his chest.

He dove his head down to mine as he lightly whispered "Care for a drink?" next to my ear as he held out his palm for me to latch onto.

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