human festivities (ritual part 3)

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(This is the last one I swear)

I was awoken from my wonderful dream by an adorable dragon boy shaking me lightly "shu....shuichi wake up!" I was going to ignore him and go back to sleep....but then he yelled "₴ⱧɄŁ₵ⱧŁ ₴₳ŁⱧ₳Ɽ₳ ₩₳₭Ɇ Ʉ₱" It was like he yelled through a microphone. It almost immediately gave me a headache "ahh....ah what time is it" I asked as I rubbed my head. Kokichi's tail wagged behind him in excitement and I saw little exited stars in his eyes. What could he possibly be so excited about? "it's midnight which means its officially December twenty fifth" Midnight....he woke me midnight "there's something special you humans do on December twenty fifth right? so get up! I want to experience your human festivities!"

I sat up with a groan and walked into the kitchen. I grabbed a candy cane, unwrapped it and placed it in his mouth. That should be Christmas-y enough for now. He looked confused at first but suddenly got a wide smile on his face " this a part of the celebration? i can't believe you would want to play a game like this with me" Game? I don't recall any games with candy canes involved.... "You look confused....You remember how to play right? One person puts the tip of the food of choice in their mouth and the other person puts the other end of the food in their mouth and bites on it until the two players share a kiss at the end...its a game usually played with lovers but I guess you could play with friends if both players involved are okay with it"

I felt my face heat up slightly "k-kokichi....i didn't mean it like that" Kokichi crossed his arms and whined "Aw come on! You got me all excited don't leave me hanging play with me! We don't *have* to kiss if you don't want to" I sighed softly "fine fine I'll play with you" His eyes lit up and he placed the candy cane back in his mouth. I looked at him nervously before taking the other side of the candy cane in my mouth and biteing it off. I continued to bite until I could feel his breath on my face, our lips were so close they were almost touching.....i could tell he was looking forward to the kiss and I don't want to take that away from him so....i gave him a quick peck on the lips and finished the candy cane "aw shu~ that was so adorable"

"I want to do more festivities what's next!" "Well traditionally we would give gifts to one another but I didn't get anything for you" His childish happiness was immediately replaced with disappointed and betrayed sadness. He looked like he was going to cry "wh-what? You didn't get me anything? B-but....why? Is it because I don't call you master? I'll do it I promise! Master! Master! Master!" I shook my head "No it's not because you don't call me master....and please don't start calling me master" He thought for a second before asking "Is it because I don't give you enough affection? I didn't know you humans craved affection from your friends but I'll give you all of the affection you could ever want!" hugged me and snuggled his face into my chest. I could feel his tail wrap around my waist which made me just a bit uncomfortable "no it's not that either you give me enough affection" He thought again before dropping to the floor and looking up at me pitifully "Then why?" "Because it's too early I haven't had time to get anything for you yet....why do you care so much?" He got up and crossed his arms "Since dragons are independent from each other we rarely even consider giveing each other gifts so if you are given one it is seen as one of the highest shows of respect and admiration, accepting the gift is a sign of trust especially if it's food so if you don't give me one that means you don't like me!" He said before bursting into tears "why even bother keeping me around if you don't like me!" "No, no kokichi I do like you I just didn't have enough time to get you anything....i promise I'll give you a gift later today..."


I held the colorfully wrapped box behind myself as I approached kokichi "hey kokichi merry Christmas! I...i got you the gift like I promised" He smiled and took the box from me joyfully "oh so this celebration is called Christmas? And you got me a colorful box! It's all I've ever wanted!" I snickered "no I didn't get you the box your present is inside the box" "ohhh how strange that's not how dragons give each other gifts...." He said before opening the box. His eyes lit up once he saw my gift "oh! What is this?" he held up the purple bottle with confusion "It's a panta you drink it" He stared at me with a vaguely suspicious expression before drinking the sugary soda "Ahh~ It's sooo good! This is the best thing I've ever placed in my mouth! Thank you Shuichi! I got you a gift too!" He said as he reached behind himself then he held up his gift which looked like a water bottle.....gee thanks....."dont be deceived by its plain appearance i've enchanted it so if you drink it you can live longer than you humans usually do and even better you'll look the same no matter how many years pass aren't I just amazing?" I smiled and pet him on the head once again. He leaned into my touch and looked up at me with a smile "Yes you are amazing thank you so much"

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