welcome to detention

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I nervously walked into the detention room. four kids immediately turned and stared at me. A boy with purple hair giggled "You must be that goodie-two-shoes I heard about how did you wind up in detention" I rolled my eyes and sat down at the front of the class. He moved to sit next to me "hey! Tell me! I'm sure we're all curious right guys?" A boy with green hair nodded "Yeah, no one will judge you" A blue haired girl sitting on a desk giggled "Im sure it isn't as bad as what I've done, I have detention for a straight month" A girl with green hair scoffed "I don't care, he's a degenerate male of course he would break the rules" The blue haired girl laughed "Says the person who threw kaito down the stairs"

I sighed softly. I can't believe I have to spend an hour with these people...its not fair....i broke the window on accident and I still got punished! The boy placed his finger under my chin and raised my head "hey stop being so....Mope-y that's not fun at all" I shook him off of me "I don't care if it's not fun I'm not your plaything-" "ALRIGHT SUCKERS" Monokuma yelled as he slammed the door open "sit down and absolutely NO talking if I catch any of you talking that's another month of detention" Everyone present let out an annoyed groan "I DON'T WANT TO HEAR IT. You're here because you broke my precious rules so sit down and....think about what you've done or whatever"

We all sat in silence for a few minutes before the kid sitting next to me handed me a piece of paper. It read "im kokichi ouma tell me your name" I wasn't usually into passing notes but I guess I'll humor him for a bit "shuichi saihara" When I got the note back something new was written

"alright shuichi, this place sucks dosent it? wanna get out of here?"

"Yeah but if we get caught sneaking out we might get even more detention"

"We aren't gonna get caught dummy! I have a plan; I bother him until he starts drinking then after he's drunk he definitely won't care anymore and will let us go home early"

"That plan isn't well thought out is it..."

"What do you mean?"

"Monokuma dosent drink"

"Shut up! I know more about him than he knows about himself now follow my lead"

"Monokuma can I go to the bathroom" "No" "Come on please! Don't make me piss myself in front of everyone" "If you do that it's not my problem" "Come on I have to go sooooo badddd" Monokuma ignored the whining boy and instead pulled out a bottle of red wine "no! And that's final" But kokichi refused to give up and kept pleading while our headmaster chugged the bottle of wine. After awhile monokuma gave in "fine go" Kokichi shot a glance at me then said "I don't have to go anymore" I saw the agitated heasmaster's eye twitch "are you SERIOUS- fine whatever just be quiet" Once he put his head down kokichi gave me a look. I guess it's my turn now

"Um...mister monokuma....can i-" "UUUUUUUGH just go do whatever you need to do I don't care just go get out" The blue haired girl was the first to run out of the room followed by the green haired boy. The green haired girl was asleep and nobody dared to wake her up. "Come on kokichi....you want to go home right?" He thought to himself before looking up at me with a smirk "Actually why don't we have a little fun" I didn't know what he ment until he handed me a bottle of spray paint with a giggle "we hit the library first"

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