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Himiko smiled as she put a witch hat on my head "are you ready? This dragon is going to be really scary...." I didn't actually think we were going to summon anything except disappointment but I thought I would entertain her for a little bit "I'm as ready as I'll ever be" She nodded and lit a flame under the cauldron then she started to draw some sort of magical circle around it. I watched with slight bewilderment as the liqued glowed, bubbled, and swirled around in its container before himiko grabbed the sleeve of my shirt and pulled me back a little "don't get too close, if the liquid touches you it'll burn your skin off" She warned. I wouldn't doubt that considering the way the liquid is steaming right now. Himiko got on her knees and I did the same then we both bowed down in front of the cauldron. As I expected nothing happened so I stopped bowing but just as I was about to tell himiko that our ritual failed I saw pale fingers grab the rim of the cauldron

"I don't hear anything.....did it not work?" Himiko asked as he sat up. A few seconds after that a boy pulled himself out of the cauldron with a....distinct lack of clothing....but this boy isn't a dragon....is he? He looks more like a demons because of those silver horns on his head.... Is he a dragon or a demon? That question was answered when he stretched his wings out. They were black and glittering and magnificent.... "Ohhh so it was you two who summoned me" He said as he looked at us with a smile. Himiko looked at him with trembling hands then rushed out of the room "wh- where are you going?" I yelled "I didn't think it would actually work I don't know what to do!" She yelled in response. The dragon boy pouted "aww it seems that your friend doesn't like me" I was petrified. This dragon could kill me in an instant! I took a moment to study his body before covering my eyes "C-clothes!" I managed to stutter out "hm?" "Put on some clothes!" "you don't like looking at my beautiful body either huh?" He let out a dramatic sigh. A few seconds of silence went by before he said "okay I have clothes on now" I hesitantly uncovered my eyes to see that he wasn't lying. He had on a checkered hoodie, extremely short shorts and checkered shoes

"Did you have clothes with you?" I asked. He laughed at my question "no of course not, these are my scales" He said before getting on his knees in front of me so we were face to face "but....why did you summon me? If you want me to be your slave or something its a no, I don't really want to wait on an inferior species" He said as he cupped my cheek. I stared into his mismatched eyes (one was purple the other was yellow) and swollowed hard. Why did I summon him?...i didn't think it would work is the only reason why I went along with it...but that's not a very good reason is it... "But...if you wanted me to be another kind of slave....well I wouldn't exactly object" Another kind of slave? Like a....sex slave? My face reddened with blush and I felt a hand that wasn't mine run down my chest "based on that boner you just got you really like my offer dont you" I shuddered uncomfortablely and I shut my eyes but he didn't do anything to me "That was just a lie! Did you really think I would want to fuck a human? ha! You wish!" He taunted as he stood up quickly "get up I'm living with you now" He declared "what? When did I agree to that?" "It's already decided!"

I let out a small sigh before standing up "alright....i guess.....come on" I said before leading him out of the classroom by the hand. 'This dragon is going to be really scary' I remembered himiko saying. Scarily adorable, maybe but he isn't terrifying in the slightest.

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