my favorite human

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I woke up in a freezer....ive been in here for months and no one found me yet? I'm starting to remember now. My partner locked me in this freezer so he could take my money and my detective business....i wonder if he succeeded. How long was I even asleep for....i went to sleep, exhausted, betrayed, and cold and I wake up, warm, energized, and with my memories gone. I tried to speak but my vocal cords were frozen and no noise came out now that I think about it my entire thoat was frozen so I couldn't even breathe....but for some reason I feel like I don't need too?....i didnt die right? No that can't be it
....if I died I would've decomposed right? whatever I can worry about that later at the very least the freezer is unlocked. I pushed the freezer door open to see that the freezer ended up being dumped in an alleyway next to a pet did I not notice? Their are so many questions and I have no way to answer them.

Suddenly I heard "SOMEONE HELP ME!" Come from inside the pet shop but before I could check it out two people rushed into the pet shop with weapons then just as fast they ran out, taking a short,purple haired boy with them. He must've been the boy who was screaming for help a second ago, he was really cute I'm not going to lie. He looked back and saw me starring at him...he looked scared of me but I don't know why....well I guess someone you don't know staring at you is a little creepy....especially when they're covered in ice....and not breathing....i feel bad now....if I see him again I'm going to have to find a way to apologize.

He had a brief conversation with the green haired boy with a lead pipe and then they walked into an apartment building. Maybe I can apologize to him in there! I tried to run to catch up with them but my joints were frozen and I tripped over myself...I couldn't move faster than a slight shuffle....i should probably wait for them to thaw.... It was then I noticed that I was surrounded by zombies....i thought it would take longer for my eye to thaw.... for some reason they weren't attacking me. was my brain not worth their time? I'm pretty smart! least...thats what I'd like to think....i am- or was a detective. Still being this close to a bunch of zombies is making me very uncomfortable even if they weren't doing anything to me so I decided to get of of the floor and WALKED into the apartment building instead of stupidity trying to run

It was hard getting up the stairs (you try walking upstairs with frozen joints) but I eventually made it to where I think they went....although I don't see him anywhere....i mightve gone a few floors too high....or maybe I didn't....i should look around.

I wandered around a bit, still seeing no sign of the purple haired boy....i did find a shotgun in an empty apartment though so I took it just in case the zombies decide to change their mind o-or lack their of. I heard someone running up the stairs and I assumed it was a zombie so I rushed out of the apartment (at a slightly faster pace than a walk) to see the purple haired boy surrounded by zombies....

If I save him I'm sure he'll forgive I shot all of the zombies to the ground and walked towards the boy. i couldn't ask for his name because I couldn't speak so I tried to ask him his name without speaking but he didn't tell me instead he lowered his head in a defeated way.....he....wants me to kill him?.....i.....i guess.....if that's what he wants. I pressed the shotgun barrel to his forehead but I didn't kill him I just stared at him. I can't kill him....i can't kill anyone. The boy looked at me, studying my appearance briefly before saying "Do you think this is a joke? Are you just fucking with me? JUST DO IT! TAKE THE FUCKING SHOT" All of the pressure made me crumble and I fell to the ground in a mess of tears.

I heard him sigh before I felt a hand on my shoulder "....hey....if you stop crying I'll let you eat my hand....right hand only" He said. Does he think I'm a cannibal or something? I don't want to eat him! "Come on it'll be okay...stop crying" He said before I heard another deeper voice speak "come on kokichi let's go" The voice said. Kokichi must be his name "this is my zombie friend...can we take him with us" Zombie? I-im not a zombie....right? "I....well....i guess but if he tries anything just tell me now come on" The other voice said. Try anything? Why would I 'try anything'? I felt a hand grab my hand and we started following the green haired boy.

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