how to train your dragon (ritual part 2)

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I stared into the dragon boys eyes. he held his tail in his hands and occasionally twisted it nervously "how do I know that you aren't a cosplayer" He looked strangely offended "Cosplayer? You watched me come out of that pot- *you* summoned me!" "That could've been a magic trick himiko is the ultimate magician y'know... And those horns look fake" He gasped and hugged his tail innocently "f-fake!? You're so mean....but if they're fake....why don't you pull on them?" I shrugged and reached my hand towards his horns "not too hard, if you pull them off blood is going to get everywhere and my blood is poisonous to you humans" I grabbed onto one of his horns and gave it a firm pull....they were real he wasn't joking....

"okay....since you are in fact real....lets set down some rules" Kokichi pouted "aw maaaan" "I'm sorry but...Humans don't like things they don't understand and....well....humans can't understand dragons I'm trying to protect you" He crossed his arms "I don't need protection I can just kill any human that tries to attack me" "....that brings me to the first rule: no murder" Kokichi let out a loud long and annoying whine before saying "what about killing in self-defense" "Still murder" He hummed as he kicked his feet "....does sending someone's soul to another dimension count as murder?" "Did you remove them from this mortal plane of existence?" "Well yes but-" "Then yes" He stuck his (surprisingly long) tongue out at me before saying "and what if I don't follow your dumb rules" "I'll send you back" His smug expression was immediately wiped off of his face once I said that "....fine whatever I'll be good"

I continued to explain the rules to him (don't use magic in public, no stealing children, don't set things on fire ect) but I immediately stopped when I saw him rip off one of his wings and start chewing on it. I stared at him blankly. "What the fuck?" He looked at me obliviously "...did you want some?" "That's your wing! And you're eating it!" "Oh calm down my wings are regenerative" "That's not the problem the self-cannibalism is the problem!" He cocked his head to the side "why? Back home whenever I got hungry I would just chew on my tail and nobody seemed to care" I sighed softly and took the wing from him "well I care and I don't think self-cannibalism is a good habit to have...dosent it hurt to rip off your wings like that?" "Well yeah obviously but.....i was hungry" I sighed "I'll cook something for you okay just....don't eat parts of your body please" I slowly walked into the kitchen and searched the fridge

....what does a dragon eat....maybe I should ask him? "What do you want to eat?" "can I have tail meat?" I froze and shut the fridge immediately "What did I just say about eating yourself!" I scolded "But it's soo good! It tastes like....what would the human equivalent of utaumr be....beef? yeah it tastes like beef but sweeter" "Just eat beef then!" "It won't be the same" He complained "how about this, we go to the supermarket, you pick what you want to eat and I'll buy it for you" He smiled "really? You mean it?" I nodded and before I could even think about putting my shoes on we were at the supermarket.

I dangled the raw steak we got over his head. There was no way for him to get it without useing magic and we were in public so there wasn't much he could do about my taunting until we got home except drool, try his best to grab it without useing magic, and whine "you're so mean saihara! First you call me fake then you scold me for throwing a child across the store and now this!" He complained "How many times to I have to tell you, you can't throw children!" "He was pulling on my tail!" "He didn't look over the age of seven!" He stuck his tongue out again. I stopped at the apartment door and felt this....wierd fealing wash over me. The second we step foot in this apartment he's allowed to use magic again "what's taking so long shuichi? I'm huuuungryyy" He said as he leaned against me dramatically. I braced myself and stepped into the apartment.

Before any magical shenanigans could happen I tossed the raw steak in the air and kokichi caught it in his mouth like a dog. I let out a laugh "I never knew 'kokichi ouma: the slayer of the weak' would act like this" I mumbled "hey! I could make your blood dissolve if I wanted too!" He shouted "but you didn't...yet...good boy" I gently pet him on the head which seemed to make him overjoyed....i guess dragons are just dogs with magic

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