congratulations you survived the killing game

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(This is a really dark chapter so if you're here for the fluff you need to run before it's too late and your pure eyes are tainted forever)

Kokichi woke up in a white, relatively small room. He was hooked up to some wires and there was no sign of doors or windows or anything he could escape out of. In fact the only thing in the room was a pannel with sixteen buttons on it and a bed. He looked around in a slight panic before he saw a TV in front of him that showed fifteen other students, each with wiers hooked up to them but he was the only one awake

"hey! Can you hear me! Wake up!" He yelled however  he only woke up three students. A girl with blonde hair and a backpack a green haired boy and a blue haired boy. They all looked annoyed with him at first but once they saw the situation they were in they looked horrified "i know what this is but....this is just....barbaric" The green haired boy mumbled under his breath as he walked over to the left wall "you know what's going on? Please tell us" The girl said. The boy was examining the wall then knocked on it. Shuichi heard the knock and returned it. "Just as I thought. We are in rooms, all next to each other that's important because....actually....Nevermind, there's no way we're in that situation"

"Why are you being so vague" The blue haired boy said "Don't worry about it but we might be stuck here for a while so how about I introduce myself, my name is rantaro amami....lets leave it at that for now okay" " shuichi saihara.....ultimate detective" "I'm kaede Akamatsu the ultimate pianist" The two introduced which caught kokichi's attention "you're all ultimates? Well it just so happens that I'm an ultimate too" He said with a smile "I'm kokichi ouma and I'm the ultimate murderous fiend" He lied. The other three's eyes widened as the heard the lie "murderous fiend? You kill people?!" Kaede exclamed as she backed away from the screen. Rantaro looked both disgusted and intrigued at the same time and shuichi looked like he was going to be sick "oh calm down I was just joking, I'm the ultimate supreme leader!"

After a few hours of waiting the other students woke up then another room was added with a bear sitting in the room "welcome to the fifty third killing game....well actually the real killing game is going on as we speak this is more like a filler episode. Here's how this is going to work, you have sixteen buttons in front of you and each of those buttons is connected to the wires currently incerted into your wrists. If you press a button the person it is attached to will die. The way you vote is to press the accused's button at the same time. If the person who pressed the button isnt caught then they get to go free, someone will be killed at random and the game will continue. If the person who pressed the button is caught then the button presser will die. The game will continue until one person is left then the survivor of this killing game will be set free got it?" They all just stared at the black and white Bear in silence....after a while monokuma got bored and left

Nothing really happened for a while, kokichi just layed down on the floor of the white room while staring at the ceiling and listening in on the others conversations, occasionally interrupting one of them to give his opinion on whatever they were talking about at that moment....until angie said "its getting....really hot in here" Dispite the fact that she didn't have that many clothes on and it was almost freezing in the rooms (seriously if you take away angies jacket she has a bikini top on, a skirt, and shoes) "like really, really hot in that just me?" "We don't understand what you're talking about angie it's really cold in here" Rantaro said.

They all watched in horror as angies skin bubbled up and began melting until she dropped to the ground dead. "Okay what the fuck was that" Kokichi said after it was all over "someone must've pressed her button..." Rantaro said as he looked down slightly, thinking to himself "I bet it was one of you degenerate males" Tenko accused immediately "how are you so sure" Kaito said as he crossed his arms. "I bet it was shuichi, that hat hides his guilty eyes" Kokichi said with a smile "what? I didn't press her button!" Shuichi said as he tried to cover his face with his hat "really? You seem pretty nervous...." "That's because you just accused him of murder" Kaede defended

"Okay, this is going nowhere, how about you all just vote for me and get it over with" Ryoma suggested "but then someone would be killed at random and the goal is to survive as long as possible correct?" Kirumi said "the goal is to find a way out and then get out together...." Kaede corrected "well, don't listed to this plain jane over here but-.....b-but" Tsumugi began but out of nowhere she started to get light headed and she looked like she was about to throw up "tsumugi? Are you alright?" Kirumi asked " just....not feeling so good....b-but I'm sure I'll be" Tsumugi trailed off as she doubled over and dropped to her knees. "Hah- oh god" Tsumugi mumbled before she started spewing blood out of her mouth. "Ew" "oh god!" "What the hell!" "DISGUSTING" "Such a mess" "What a pain...." "Such beauty" "Well....thats....unexpected" "Make it stop make it stop make it stop" "That's just fucken gross!" A mess of voices were all kokichi could hear before tsumugi fell onto her side and died. (As a fun challenge try to match the characters to the dialogue)

"Who is it! WHO THE FUCK KEEPS PRESSING BUTTONS" Kaito yelled "kaito, I suggest that you calm down or we will get nowhere" Korekiyo suggested "how about kiibo he's like, a robot and stuff" Kokichi said "Th-thats robophobic! Just because I'm a robot doesn't mean that I did anything" "Everyone please calm down" Kaede said which got everyone's attention " can gonta be calm when gonta's friends are dying" Gonta's asked "we should try and-.....and....." Rantaro trailed off before he fell limp on the floor "r-rantaro? Rantaro are you okay? Rantaro please answer me! RANTARO!" Kaede yelled

"Oh...oh no....uh...." Kaede looked around nervously before her eyes fixated on kirumi "kirumi what are you doing" They looked at kirumi to see that she was about to press ryoma's button next "it was you! Kirumi is the one who's pressing the buttons" Kaede announced "it appears that you are mistaken, I was the button" Kirumi said nervously but she couldn't stop them "on three we will press her button" "YOU'RE MAKING A HUGE MISTAKE!" "Two....." "Because of you some innocent person will die! Do you want that?" "Three" On three kirumi's button was pressed but nothing happened for a moment " not work? What a pain...." Himiko said before a gunshot was heard and kirumi fell to the ground "w-well....with her gone....we can rest easy for a while going to bed, goodnight" Kaede said before laying down on the mattress behind her

Three days

Three days of this

Until only two people were left


The announcement said


as promised the rooms began shrinking at a relatively slow pace but it was fast enough to make the two boys start to panic "there's only one way out of this kokichi" Shuichi said while looking around rapidly "you have to kill me" "But shuichi" "It's fine....GET OUT OF HERE AND SURVIVE....if not for you then for me" Kokichi stared at the buttons then looked at shuichi "Shuichi....shuichi I love you" "I love you too just do it" Shuichi braced himself and kokichi stared at him before he slammed his hand down on his button. Almost immediately the walls closed in on shuichi and he was killed in a mess of pink.....


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