kokichi's to-do list

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"Thanks miu" I said as miu wrapped my head in bandages covering my left eye "Yeah...how the fuck to you keep getting hurt anyway?" I gave her a smile "I was just finishing my to-do list....if somethings on the list it must be done" Miu paused for a moment before continuing with a sigh "Well you should be more careful you could've lost way more than an eye....and I'm starting to run out of bandages"

I woke up with a smile. Today is the day! Let's see what's on the to-do list for today

To-do list:

Give kaede a pig plush
Call mom
Give it to ryoma
Change my bandages
Pay miu back
Confess to shuichi
Beat level 134 of sugar crush rush
Take my pills
Go to the rooftop
Look at the sunset
Finally be happy

My smile grew. Wonderful! Let's take my pills first. I got out of my bed and walked to the kitchen.

I opened the cupboard and got my pain pills, antidepressants and anxiety meds then I opened all three of the bottles and emptied all of the pills into my mouth. "Much better" I said with a smile. Next I should call mom I picked up the phone and dialed moms number "kokichi! How's therapy going sweetie" "I haven't gone in months. I was able to convince her that I was completely healthy" She paused "but you aren't...." "I know!" She sighed "are you at least still taking your antidepressants" " Mhm!" "Good....remember to change your bandages dear" "I know mom" Then I hung up

I glanced at the clock. I'm making good time! I should have this list done by at least four thirty! Next I want to beat sugar crush rush. If rantaro can do it then so can I! A ran to my DES (dangan entertainment system) turned it on and booted up sugar crush rush "ready for another round?" The anime girl on my screen asked "you bet!"

I danced along to the song as best as I could. I wasn't doing that good so if I missed one beat I would fail AGAIN...but somehow I finally beat level 134: caramell dansen.

Now I should change my bandages. Let's see now...theres one around my neck, one around my head, one around my waist, one around both of my wrists, one around my left thigh and one around my right knee. I need to stop getting hurt so much it's becoming a real hassle to unbandage and rebandage myself every day....but I got it done. I think that's everything I need to do inside of my house....oh wait! I forgot to get dressed!

I put on my dirty checkered sneakers, ripped jeans and a oversized white sweater then I grabbed everything I would need and headed out of my house. Let's see....how am I doing

To-do list:

Give kaede a pig plush
̶C̶a̶l̶l ̶m̶o̶m
Give it to ryoma
̶C̶h̶a̶n̶g̶e ̶m̶y ̶b̶a̶n̶d̶a̶g̶e̶s
Pay miu back
Confess to shuichi
̶b̶e̶a̶t ̶l̶e̶v̶e̶l ̶1̶3̶4 ̶o̶f ̶s̶u̶g̶a̶r ̶c̶r̶u̶s̶h ̶r̶u̶̶s̶h
̶T̶a̶k̶e ̶m̶y ̶p̶i̶l̶l̶s
Go to the rooftop
Look at the sunset
Finally be happy

Great! I think I'll pay miu back first. I walked towards her house and knocked on her door. I waited and waited until she finally opened the door "kokichi...whats the matter? Did your clumsy ass get hurt again?" I shook my head "no I just did some researching and....i oue you 330 dollars for all of the bandages so uh.....here" I gave her the 330 dollars she was oued but she didn't want to take it "dude, you don't have to pay me anything we're friends it's fine" "No seriously take it" She sighed before taking the money from me and putting it between her breasts "okay I guess....but why are you suddenly paying me for basically no reason" "I would just feel bad if I didn't...i would rather die with no regrets" I don't think she understood what I ment.

Whatever it's fine....she doesn't need to...."well uh....ill see you later miu" "Yeah....try to be safe would ya?" Next I need to talk to ryoma then kaede then shuichi and I should be done. Thankfully I always know where to find ryoma.

I slowly walked into the graveyard. 'Junko enoshima' '11037' 'my fingers after playing friday night funkin' AHA! Ryoma "hey ryoma" I greeted "oh hey....you got the stuff?" "I got the stuff....you got the cash?" He nodded his head. I nodded back before reaching into my bag and pulling out....a kitten "thanks for this kokichi...i really oue you one" He gave me the 20 dollars I was oued before we went out separate ways.

I was able to find kaede drinking a milkshake outside of the local cafe so I approached her and gave her the plush "here....it uh....reminded me of you" She picked it up "um....thank you? How does it remind you of me" "Simple, you're a PIG" I said with a smile "wha....what do you mean?" "You're a ugly, dirty, smelly pig and that's that" "....big talk coming from a Cyclops" Kaede scoffed. That one kind of hurt...."you're why I don't want to live here anymore" "Don't get too close I want to keep both of my eyes thanks" I scoffed before moving on.

I looked everywhere but I simply couldn't find shuichi....he wasn't at home, the graveyard, the mall, the cafe NOWHERE!....if he isn't at the ice cream shop then he isn't anywhere. I entered the shop and there he was sitting alone at a booth drinking a root beer float with a depressed look in his eyes. I sat across from him "hey shu....you don't mind if I sit here right?" "Huh? Uh...no" He didn't even bother to look at me he just continued sipping on his drink. I gently grabbed the glass cup and slowly pulled it towards me "you don't mind if we share....do you?" I grabbed a nearby straw and stuck it in the drink. A blush spread across shuichi's face as I looked him in the eyes

"U-um....i er...." I smiled "do you?" "N....no" I smiled and began sipping the sugary drink he reluctantly began sipping it with me......it's actually not that bad....unfortunately since we were sharing it was gone much sooner than I would like "aw man....its empty" I said with a sigh before moving to shuichi's side of the booth "i'm still thirsty though...looks like I'll just have to drink something else" A flirted as a brought shuichi's face closer to mine "k-kokichi wait I-" I didn't let him finish before I gave him a deep kiss. After a few seconds I felt his arms wrap around me before shuichi made a concerned noise and pulled away.

"Why.....why does your mouth taste like pills...." I rolled my eyes "I just woke up with a headache" "You just drank something though....you had to have taken a large amount of pills for the taste to still be there...."  Well that just turned me off "whatever....if you don't want to believe me that's your problem....later shu" I said as I got up and walked out. I looked up at the sunset....its almost over....i walked back to my apartment but before I could go back inside shuichi stopped me "ah! Oh its you...." "Kokichi please don't ignore me I'm worried about you"

I looked into his eyes....i just....whatever "fine.....i may have taken a bit more pills than I was supposed to..." "How many" "Two anxiety pills and one pain pill" More like the entire bottle but what does it matter "now could you let go of me? I need to finish my to-do list for the day" "Can I read it?" I shrugged and took the list out of my pocket. "End....what" "You're a detective you can figure it out" Shuichi's eyes filled with tears "kokichi y-you can't I...." "Sorry but if it's on the list it must be done" Shuichi's ripped up the list and stuffed it in his pocket "I don't care about the stupid list I care about you! I love you more than anything....please....dont leave me kokichi!"

Iet out a small squeek as shuichi hugged me tightly and cried into my sweater "shuichi I...." I trailed off before silently hugging back

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