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It was just after kaede's execution and I was walking back to my room while tears streamed down my face uncontrollably. Just before I could open the door a purple haired boy named kokichi ouma rushed up to me and grabbed me by my waist, turning my body so I was facing him "hey saihara-chan! How's it HANGING?" He mocked as he poked me playfully. I looked at him with a spiteful glare. "Aaaanyways I was thinking we could HANG out" I sucked in a shocked breath "kokichi....why would you say that....you know i-" "Stick a noose in it! I didn't ask for your life story I haven't seen you HANGING around much so I want to spend a little time with you" "Shut up" "Come on don't leave me HANGING" I snapped

"I HATE YOU!!!" I yelled in pure rage and....

I slapped him.....

I slapped him as hard as I could.....

We were both frozen in shock. Kokichi had his hand on his cheek where a red hand mark was. He was stareing at the floor with an expression of pure shock and betrayal. He looked up at me as he eyes filled with tears....in that moment he looked so scared of me....i never thought I would see such an expression on his face unless he was faking it. He took a few steps back away from me "k-kokichi..." He let out a small wimper before turning and running away from me "kokichi! Wait i-i'm sorry I didn't mean to" I chased him to his room and knocked on his door "kokichi please I didn't do it on purpose! Let me in"....but he didn't say anything back

I sighed before sitting down, leaning against the door "I....if you change your mind I'll be here" After about thirty minutes of just listening to him cry he finally said something "its not like I care but.....do you really hate me?" I sighed softly "do you want the truth straight or do you want me to sugarcoat it?" "Give it to me straight I can take it!"....well....its what he wanted


"Yes I do hate you"

He laughed

"....i knew it"

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