secret agent

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I slowly opened my eyes, woken up by the ring of my cellphone. I rubbed my eyes before picking my phone up off of the dirty bedside table. I answered without bothering to look at who exactly was calling me "hello?" Answered groggily as I got out bed. Once the cold air of the hotel room hit my pale skin it made me let out a small yelp and shiver. I guess it's my fault for deciding to fall asleep in my boxers. "Oh goodmorning agent sixty four, I didn't wake you up did i?" I let out a small groan his voice, although polite and relatively quiet, did not help my pounding headache at all "actually you did, Nadia" "My name is Nagisa! Nagisa Shingetsu! I feel like you're doing this on purpose you prick" He said angerly before taking in a deep breath to calm himself. I giggled, he REALLY hated it when I messed up his name...or when I made a cat noise for some reason. Making my boss mad is so fun!

"Anyway, you have a new mission, celestia ludenburg is hosting a party, the target shuichi saihara is an attendant at this party, all you need to do is steal any keys that he has on him and exfiltrate, no bloodshead, then I will give you more instructions from there.....and if you want to take something for yourself you can" "Oh really? But didn't you say that you would save me for smaller missions because of the way I....go about my business?" "This guy is smart so a simple pick pocketing won't work and we can't kill him either but with an approach like yours he'll never see it coming" I smirked "alright I'll do it, how much are you playing?" I asked as I walked towards the closet. I stared at the suites I had to pick from....white, black, crimson....purple! "How much do you want" Nadia- Nagisa asked "Oh! You're letting me choose this time? Are you sure you're ready to give me that kind of power?" I asked, trying to figure out how to tie my bowtie correctly. No matter how many times I do this I can never get it the first time "Yes, you're a big boy I'm sure you can handle it" Nagisa said. I could tell he was rolling his eyes just from the tone of his voice

" about ten thousand dollars?" I said as I finished putting my suit on "fine whatever, I've left my invite on your door it has the location of the party and if you flash it at the bouncer he'll surely let you in" "Alright! talk to you later, babe~" "agent sixty four I SWEAR TO-" I hung up just before things could start getting vulgar then I walked out of my hotel room

The invite has been taped to my door as promised. I glanced at my watch....he woke me up at six pm....then I glanced at the invite....'the party shall begin at seven p.m. BE EARLY....and dress formal if I see any of you dressed like homeless people at my party I will murder you' it read. She probably would too it's hard to tell when she's bluffing. I smiled before taking the invite off of my door and rushing down the hallway.

I ended up getting to the party fashionably late....i don't even know how that happened I left way too early! But anyway I was able to find shuichi easily (he was the only one who looked like an Emo high schooler dispite being twenty three) now time to work my magic! I approached shuichi with a big, welcoming smile on my face and said "hey! I've never seen you here before who are you?" He smiled back nervously "u-um my name saihara.....the ultimate detective" "Woah really? How did you get your title!" I asked, pretending to seem interested. As he blabbled about his talent (or something like that I don't know I wasn't paying attention) i took the opportunity and slipped a little something into his wine glass. "I know it's not that interesting of a story compared to the other ultimates here but it's about you? What is your ultimate talent?" I froze. I can't just tell him that I'm the ultimate secret agent that defeats the purpose of a SECRET agent.....and nagisa would be mad at, mad enough to fire me

I took a moment to think of a lie quick on my feet and I came up with this: "im kokichi ouma and I'm the ultimate supreme leader!" I made up an organization called DICE (which was just my real organization CHESS but with less members) and all sorts of other lies that he somehow believed....dumbass.

Over the course of the night shuichi and I actually became quite good friends....which made me feel bad when he started rubbing this thighs together and breatheing heavily. I had one rule: don't get attached and I broke it....i hope he won't remember tonight because I still want to be friends with him. Shuichi fell forwards, grabbing onto my suit and I caught him just before he hit the floor "shuichi! What's wrong?" I asked, dispite knowing exactly what was wrong with him "someone......must've slipped me something hah....wh-who would nng d-do that to s-someone?" I shrugged, already feeling immense guilt "I nng can't be seen.....i-i-in this s-state....hhh can you drive me home?" Shuichi asked. I nodded before taking him by the hand and leading him out of the castle that the party was talking place in. Once we were both seated in the car nagisa texted me 'how is it coming along?' I looked as shuichi who was drooling all over my car seat, rubbing his thighs together and breatheing heavily.... 'The aphrodisiac is taking effect, we're in my car currently and I'm about to get the keys as requested' 'great text me when it's done'

"Kokichi....." Shuichi whined suddenly so I looked towards him "i-i.....i meeee" I let out a sigh before nodding and petting shuichi apologeticly "of course" I said before unzipping his pants slowly....lets just get this over with....."you're sure you want this right?" He nodded quickly....i sighed again before quickly stuffing his length into my mouth, bobbing my head at a fast pace to try and make him release as soon as possible. I didn't want to do this but this is the way I always do things and I have no intention of changing the way I do things if it works.

Shuichi grabbed onto my hair and moaned loudly...too loud for my liking "hah! Kokichi! I LOVE YOU!" He cried which made me pause for a split second before continuing at an even faster pace 'it's just the aphrodisiac talking' I tried to convince myself. It didn't take shuichi long to release after that, hot sticky liquid shooting into my mouth and down my throat. Usually this sensation would turn me on to the highest extent but this time It sickened the very least shuichi had passed out so I didn't need to do anything else to him. I frisked him down quickly before I felt a keyring and stuffed it in my blazer I also took his credit card for good measure......and I put his phone number in my phone which is something I don't usually do. At this point I would drop them off in an allyway somewhere....and then run them over with my car but...i'm not that bad of a least I hope. 'I got the keys and his credit card' I texted as I drove to the address shuichi told me while we were walking to my car 'I knew you could handle it, next I need you to meet me at the main building so I can talk to you in person okay?' 'Okay'

(Side note:I've been developing tics lately so spelling errors might become more frequent...sorry for that)

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