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Today a boy came into the hospital. When I asked him what was wrong he said "everything looks so wonderful!" I cocked my head to the side "okay? Why did you come here then" "I didn't want to be here my friends suggested that I check in but I don't know why.....I'm finally happy!" I paused....happiness is a rarity these days with the overpricing, pollution and disease everyone is fucking miserable "interesting....when did this start" He messed with the rim of his black hat as he looked around the office with a big smile "two weeks ago I was considering suicide before this sta- mmh!" I shoved a pill in his mouth before he could finish

I've come to the conclusion that he has an eye parasite that makes you see your ideal life. It usually goes for the ones completely devoid of happiness and It feeds on the happiness it brings you while it eats your brain from the inside until you're completely brain dead. It should be a simple fix just some pills and a few days here and he should be fine "eh...what was that pill?" "It helps with your....'happiness' problem" I set the clipboard down and lead the patent to his room "Problem? It's not a problem at all I love it!" He has no idea....

Day 1

"Open" I commanded. Shuichi opened his mouth and I placed a pill inside of it. He swallowed it without an issue "how are you feeling today? Happier? Depressed?" "Im feeling amazing!" Ah I see the problem hasn't gone least it hasn't gotten any worse "to be honest I don't know why you're making me take pills don't you want me to be happy?" His voice got dark and eerie out of nowhere which was a good sign that the parasite was speaking for him. These parasites are smart but I'm smarter "would you rather me give you an injection strait to the brain? I'll do it but it's going to cost you an extra five hundred dollars" He jumped and shook his head "No! No! No!" "Good, then you'll be a good boy and take the pills?" "Mhm"

Day 5

"Open" I commanded but it looked like shuichi couldn't open his mouth. A locked jaw is a common symptom of the parasite after you start taking pills so I'm not too alarmed but it does make my job significantly harder. I washed my hands with warm water for a couple of moments then walked back to shuichi, placing my warm hands on his jaw. He looked confused "massageing the jaw with warm hands can release the locked jaw" I explained

After about an hour his jaw finally released, not all the way but just enough for him to take the pill "okay now open up" He opened his mouth as far as he could and I placed the pill in his mouth "how are you feeling? Happier? Depressed?" He gave me a weak smile "I'm feeling good" He's getting better. He should be fine by day 11"th-thank you doctor" He stuttered "Its my job you don't need to thank me" I said as I walked out of his room.

I leaned on the door with a heavy sigh. I'm not feeling heart hurts....i-in an emotional way....i should investigate this immediately

Day 11

I grabbed his pills like usual but then I he's going to be able to leave....but I like having him around I don't want him to leave! I placed the pill in my hand and then grabbed another bottle, duotone, if taken when not needed the symptoms may include nausea, vomiting, hallucinations, temporary paralysis of the legs, temporary blindness, and increasingly pale skin.....i emptied the bottle into my hand and headed to shuichi's room.

"Open your mouth and close you eyes" I commanded. He followed my directions, closeing his eyes and opening his mouth. I stared at him. I have so much power! I could put anything in there but I controlled myself and placed three pills in his mouth. One was the pill to kill the parasite the other two was the duotone.

I watched with excitement as his small smile faded being replaced with nauseous expression "I....i don't feel very well" He said as the color slowly drained from his face. His legs shook as he breathed heavily "wh-what's happening to me?" I gently pushed him down onto the bed "Shhh lay down, get some rest I'll take good care of you I promise"

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