the disappearance of kokichi ouma [DEAD END]

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(I know I said this story is over but there is still one wrong that hasn't been written....

The real disappearance

I know I disappointed you all on April Fools so I might as well make up for it

I hope you enjoy)

Shuichi put on his jacket about to go outside for the um-teenth time that day but rantaro stopped him "shuichi....just accept the reality....kokichi is dead" Shuichi took in a harsh breath "wh....that can't sure he" "He's been missing for three months....just let him go" Something inside of shuichi snapped and he felt nothing but pure rage. Rage and despair mixed together is never good "NO!" Shuichi yelled "I WON'T STOP! I'LL NEVER STOP UNTIL I SEE HIS ROTTING BODY" He screamed before flinging the door open and running out as fast as he could leaving everyone else in stunned silence.

rantaro approached the still open door and looked at the silhouette of shuichi sprinting into the night

"Good luck"


Kokichi walked down the sidewalk staring at his feet, counting his steps which had been a habit of his ever since he was a small child. "One two three one two three..."

Unfortunately that ment he wasn't paying attention and smacked straight into a large pole "ow! What the...." He trailed off as he saw what was taped to the pole.


Last seen:October 21 2017 3:09pm
If you know where he is please call this number

He smiled. That day marked three months missing. "I bet everyone is doing so so much better without me." Kokichi thought to himself.

He figured he might as well call the number just to see if anyone would pick up. "Hello?" He heard on the other end. Turned out that the number was shuichi's phone number "do you know anything?" Kokichi smiled "yeah I know a few things" "Kokichi!? I knew rantaro was wrong....Where are you!" "Woah woah woah woah....listen I'm all for proving people wrong but I think I'm going to sit this one out kay?" Shuichi gasped "what? No! You need to tell me where you are so i can take you home....if you don't come back soon you might be kicked out of the ultimate academy!" Kokichi rolled his eyes "oh no what a pity..." He mumbled as he spat out his grape flavored gum

"I don't'know? I don't care.....about anything anymore" Kokichi said with a shrug. Radio silence for a few moments before the silence was broken by light sobbing "kokichi....i-i just want to see your smile don't have to come back with me more time....please" Kokichi considered his offer. "Mmmmmm me in the alleyway next to the cakepop cafe" "O-okay!" "I'll be waiting"

"Hello?" Shuichi said quietly "knock knock" Kokichi replied. Shuichi sighed "really?.....who's there" Kokichi jumped out and hugged shuichi suddenly "your beloved kokichi if course!" He said with a smile. Shuichi pulled away from the boy and looked at his appearance. Old ripped jeans, grey and purple worn hoodie and very raggity shoes. For how....homeless he looked he smelled surprisingly good, like grape shampoo. "it's really you...." He said as he teared up from pure happiness "yep but jeez you don't have to cry about it- eep!" Shuichi hugged him tightly and cried over his shoulder although the rain disguised his tears.

"Ugh at least warn me before you do that....Why are you crying?" "I w-was so worried about you! Everyone was" Kokichi paused "worried?" He mumbled to himself "of course....we all care about you....of course I do a little more than the others....hah" "What do you mean?" Shuichi stared into kokichi's eyes. Kokichi got the hint and a small blush appeared on his face "wow saihara-chan how sad well I 1000 percent didn't miss any of you losers nehehe!" Shuichi didn't call him out for lying his smile only grew "you haven't changed a bit" "You're still crying?" "I'm sorry I'm just so happy!"

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