what changed?

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I stared at the boy in absolute disbelief.


Killed rantaro?

He was still trying to deny it but nobody was buying it "n-now wait a moment I didn't kill rantaro-" "Then who did" I interrupted "h....huh?" "If you didn't kill him then who did all of the evidence points to you" He suddenly got quiet... "Oh? What's wrong shuichi? Don't got an answer now huh? HUH?" I teased, hiding my true feelings. I....i really didn't want this to be true. He looked down "it couldn't be me... I was so helpful to you all i-i even helped kaede try to kill the mastermind why would I help her try to kill the mastermind if I was the mastermind!" I scoffed "tch so that when you killed rantaro you could pin it on kaede easily"

"It's not me! Seriously! I helped kaede the best I could....i-i tried to grant her wish I tried.....i tried....i tried.....i.....i-i" Shuichi trailed off before a strange fog entered the room "I try so hard....i try to do everything I can to grant kaede's wish" His nails dug into his arms as he started to sound more fed up and annoyed "but everyone just keeps dying no matter what I do no matter what I try....i" He shook with pure anger, gripping his arms so tightly that he started to bleed....before

He finally snapped

"....IM TIRED OF TRYING" He screamed as he ripped his podium off of the ground and threw it in a random direction. It almost hit me. If I was a little taller it would've smacked me right in the face

"I try to make this game as interesting as possible but everyone just keeps saying 'I liked the old one better' or 'bring back Kamakura' and 'where's my waifu?' And I'M FUCKING SICK OF IT.....but now it's time for a grand finale better than you've ever seen.....lights.....camera....."

The fog slowly cleared to reveal shuichi who now had a hairclip in the shape of monokuma's eye clipped to the rim of his hat in a strange pose. He held two guns, one black one white, over his chest in a cross. It looked like he was mocking an anime character. "Action!"

"It can't be...." I mumbled to myself "shuichi I.....I thought I...." "You thought what now? Come on speak up" He said as he pointed a gun towards me "I thought I could trust you....why would you do this" His smile briefly faded before he laughed in my face "phuhuhuhu! It wasn't my idea to start a killing game....it was junko enoshima's" "Junko kirishima?"

"Junko enoshima my love....my queen...my everything" He gushed as he started to daydream "Yeah yeah we can hear you ramble about your waifu some other time but for now just tell me what the hell is- GAH!"

One gunshot

Straight to the stomach

I immediately felt myself getting lighter and nothing would stay straight before the ground suddenly came rushing up.

I couldn't see or move but I could hear everything.

"Now that this game is over I'll be on my way....wouldn't want to overstay my welcome right.....actually let's make this fun, my very last game if you will. if you vote for me to be punished I will accept my punishment and you all go free no harm no foul but if any one of you votes to punish kiibo then only he will be punished, I will be free to live, and you must stay here forever..... it's voteing time who will you vote for kiibo or I. Life here in the delusion or freedom to a harsh, unforgiving reality"

I still don't know what they picked

Shuichi is gone but so is kiibo

The door is open but everyone stays inside. It's been almost four years since the killing game....but it feels like nothing changed....

Everyone still feels a sence of dread like one of us is going to betray the rest....that might just be from the minor ptsd we have....ive wanted to go to therapy for it but they don't want me outside....so as I lay in my bed I think to myself

What really changed?

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