cut string

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My entire life ive had a cut string dangling from my wrist. It used to be tied to someone but....they died and the string was cut....i didn't even get to meet them....i wish I could take it off but it's impossible to cut or burn the string....and even if you could I still wouldn't want to because....well this might sound dumb but if you find someone else with a cut string there is a slim chance that the ends will connect which means that they are your new soulmate....that almost never happens but I'm clinging onto that hope....its all I have

i was always ridiculed and mocked for being the only one without a soulmate in my entire school....I felt so alone....but one day a new student walked into class. His string was burnt at the end which means that he must not have a soulmate either! Well... Th-thats not exactly a good thing but he dosent have a soulmate so he knows how I feel...right? Someone immediately called out "hey! It looks like whine-hara has a new friend" "It's saihara!" I corrected weakly. I've always hated it when they called me that....That nickname isn't even clever....

I approached him with a smile " name is shuichi saihara" I greeted. The boy looked at me and raised his eyebrow with a bored expression "yeah? And" I backed up a bit "wh-what is your name" He put his hands on his hips smugly "I'm kokichi ouma!" He announced loudly which immediately got all of our classmates attentions. "How did your string get burnt?" He paused before looking around. All of our classmates looked interested. "Wow.....straight to the point huh" He mumbled before shaking off his nervousness "buuut anyway I burnt it with a lighter when I got bored" Hm...i was always told that was impossible...then again it's not like I can test that... Everyone looked impressed. How is that a 'cool' thing? I don't get it. I laughed nervously "um....interesting....this may be strange to ask already but would you like to hang out sometime?" "Yeah! Sure here's my number" He said as he handed me a piece of paper with his phone number on it. Strange he just had that ready but okay...

Over time he gave me small pieces of his true backstory and I was able to put this together: the house d.i.c.e stayed in was burnt down by an enemy organization. The soulmate stayed behind to get the others members out but she died trying to get kokichi out.

I have no idea if that's true though...i would ask but that's a bit...rude isn't it? While we we're hanging out I spoke up "....did you lie to me?" "Well, yeah about what?" "How your string got burnt" He laughed nervously "nehehe! Sorry shu but that was the one time I wasn't lying"....i didn't trust that one bit. " I allowed to ask you a couple questions then?" He nodded "you get three, shoot" I only get three so I need to pick my words carefully "Why don't you like fire?" "It's too hot and bright and it gets everywhere" It gets everywhere....interesting "why did your organization disband" "Didn't have enough members to keep it going so we disbanded, a real shame I liked those guys" Final question.....better make it count "where is your soulmate? You said you knew where she was right?" "The house" He answered vaguely. I glanced over at him. He looked like he was about to cry. "Kokichi.....what do you-" "Just kidding!" He said as he brightened up immediately "do you really think that I would cry over some lady I've never seen? Stupid!" "How do you know that's she's a girl if you've never seen her"

He froze "oh.....ive been caught in my lie.....that never happens...." He pouted before laying down in my lap "if you're good maybe I'll tell you what really happened, it's a really interesting story I can promise you that"

"Bye shyhara!" Kokichi said as I walked up the stairs to my house. He had agreed to walk me home because I felt uncomfortable walking in the dark alone which was very nice of him. I was about to walk into my house but I felt a strange pulling on my wrist so I stopped to see that my string had become much longer. Apparently kokichi felt it too because he said "stop pulling on my string would you?" "I-im not pulling on you I promise!" I looked at kokichi's wrist and gasped. Our strings had been tied together! "No way!" "Hm?" "Your wrist! Look!" He looked at the knot tieing us together but he didn't look amused "What's wrong? Aren't you happy?" "I am.....its just......" He paused before shaking his head "I don't want a new soulmate....The others can't see our strings anymore so don't bring it up if anyone asks you got it surgically removed I'll see you tomorrow okay?"

"......okay.......i guess"

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