fireworks (ritual part 4)

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(I know what I said and I'm sorry I just couldn't resist making these is very fun)

I was awoken by the sound of loud and annoying fireworks. What time is it midnight? If I'm awake that means kokichi is probably awake and I can only imagine what hell he's causing so I got up and walked into the living room to see kokichi with a sword in his hands about to go outside "kokichi! What are you doing and where did you get that sword" I asked as I ran to his side "this world is under attack but don't worry I'll kill those dragons for you, you stay here okay?" I sighed "we aren't under attack they're just fireworks" He cocked his head to the side "" "Yeah, put the sword away and I'll show you"

He gasped with a smile before throwing his head back and swallowing the sword like a magician. I stared at him in bewildered silence for a second before brushing it off as 'another weird dragon thing he does' and grabbed his hand. we walked outside together and I pointed at the sky. Kokichi looked at the fireworks with childish wonder in his eyes. I waved my hand in front of his face but it was like he was paralyzed with absolute bewilderment. "......i want to touch one" He said after awhile "kokichi no they're called fireworks for a reason" He jumped on the railing of the balcony, getting ready to fly up to one "I'm going to do it" I sighed " safe" He looked at me with a grateful smile and jumped off of the railing, flying up to the fireworks and catching one of the pieces in his hand.

Once the fireworks ended he landed beside me "aw man it's over" He whined as he sat down beside me. But then we saw something. It was pink, fast and coming towards us. Then it landed on the railing . It was another dragon. She had blonde hair, white wings, a white tail covered in pink spots, and white horns that resembled deer antlers more than the horns that kokichi has. I immediately noticed the Trident in her hand. Kokichi groaned at her arrival "Oh it's you why didn't you explode like all of the other glowing pink things in the sky today" Kokichi said as he crossed his arms "kokichi ouma, come with me and leave this world in peace" She demanded

"no I don't think I will, it's not like I'm hurting anything" "Just you being here is throwing off the delicate balance these humans keep" Then she looked at me "and who is this?" "Shuichi" "Are you holding this poor human hostage?" She asked as she hugged me protectively. Kokichi sighed and stood up "listen kayayday how about this, we fight and when you loose you go away" "When? What if you loose" "I don't intend to loose" Kokichi opened a portal "ive created a dimension for us to fight so we don't destroy this world, ladies first"

The dragon let go of me walked into the new dimension kokichi had created "alright! I'm ready!" She announced but instead of going into the dimension kokichi closed the portal, trapping her there. "Kokichi she could die in there!" I exclamed. he rolled his eyes "oh calm down I can't create dimensions, I'm not old enough to do that yet, I just teleported her across the country she'll be fine" He said he's not old enough old is he? " old are you?" "Oh two....sixteen thousand years old" My eyes widened "sixteen THOUSAND" "Oh calm down that may sound like a lot but when you put into perspective that dragons live for seven billion years it's actually not that much"

Kokichi and I were sitting on the couch watching magic shows on TV when we heard the doorbell ring "I'll get it" I said as I got up off of the couch. When I opened the door I saw the same dragon from the day before but she looked extremely tired and disheveled "kokichi you fiend.....i.....thought you'd play fair this time" She said as she basically dragged herself into my apartment. Kokichi just continued eating his popcorn that he smothered in sugar and grape jam "tch playing nice with a person like you isn't something I want to do, it's boring y'know?" "Fine since you don't want to fight fair we're just going to fight here" She said as she raised her Trident "prepare y-yourself koki-" She suddenly dropped to her knees with a groan

"Out of curiosity.....did you run all the way here?" Kokichi asked as he started biting his tail out of habit. I slapped the back of his head lightly to make him stop "Yes....i didn't want to disturb the balance by flying in daylight so I ran...." Kokichi rolled his eyes and got off of the couch then placed the rest of the popcorn bowl beside her "no I can't eat that....i must take nothing from this realm" She insisted. "Fine, starve, that's not my problem" He said as he crossed his arms. "Could you make a portal so I can go home?" She asked.

Kokichi smirked "why don't you run" The dragon groaned before slowly crawling to the door "he ment why don't you stay with us for the day and you can fly home at night" "What?" Kokichi exclamed as he looked at me. Kaede looked at me with a smile "thank you so much it would take an eternity to get home at this rate" "Aw come on she sucks!" Kokichi whined before refocusing on kaede "why are you here anyway, surely you aren't just here for me" She sighed "actually I was here for you, you know we aren't allowed in the human realm....i was supposed to tell you that if you don't go back soon you will be banned from returning"

"Whatever....i'll just live with shuichi forever" "And when he dies?" Kokichi hugged me protectively "he won't! I'll make sure of it!" "No matter how many enchantments you use he'll die eventually.....nothing lasts forever not even us" Kokichi glared at her before creating a portal under her body then he immediately closed it once she was inside "he WILL last forever I'll make sure of it"

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