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Far, far into the future in a empty dusty town a boy stood atop one of the apartment buildings letting the wind flow through his hair. With a gun in hand shuichi saihara stood still, stone faced with dried blood on his face. 'Terrible' he thought to himself 'this is all so terrible' he continued as he walked towards the edge of the roof. He leaned on the stone balcony. 'Everyone I've ever loved is dead and I'm what's left?' He let out a sigh before climbing on the balcony ' we go' he took in a breath and jumped off of the balcony.

After a brief fall he landed on his feet unharmed then he stood up straight. He whistled briefly and after a few moments a tamed wolf ran to his side. He named her in honor of his closest friend, kaede. He took out a checkered scarf and let melody sniff at if for a moment "ready? Now go fetch" Shuichi exclamed as he pointed forwards sending the pet off.

He did this everyday and melody would always return with a corpse. Ryoma's shirt she returned with his arm maki's bow she returned with her leg kaede's backpack she returned with her head but shuichi hoped that one day she would come back with an alive person. Kokichi's scarf was his last hope if he wasn't alive then none of his friends were...except for rantaro he moved countrys before this whole thing happened....unfortunately shuichi didn't have that option.

Not long after he sent his pet off she returned with....a part of kokichi's sleeve that she must've tore off. That wasn't what he wanted but it was something...a smile found it's way onto shuichi's face "goodgirl! now take me to him" Melody ran off yet again and shuichi followed her to the mall. As soon as shuichi took a step inside he was met with the barrel of a shotgun pressed to his chest and a frightened purple haired boy looking him in the eyes "kokichi!" The boys face softened slowly "sh....shuichi?" He nodded "yeah! It's me!" The shorter boy immediately dropped his gun and hugged shuichi as tightly as he could knocking the taller boy on the floor "it's been so long! I thought you died!" "I thought you died too" Kokichi smiled before getting off of shuichi "I've been looking for you for, like, ever! and now that I've finally found you I have a surprise"

The boy dug through his pockets and pulled out two train tickets. Shuichi's eyes lit up "you got train tickets? But aren't all of the trains out of commission?" Kokichi shook his head "nope! I spent years trying to get the train working just so we could get out of here" "Do you even know how to drive a train?" "Nope but I'm sure I'll figure it out now come on let's get out of here!" Kokichi said confidently as he walked towards the subway station. Shuichi was hesitant to follow him. He stood there for a moment before picking up the shotgun and aiming it at the boy. Kokichi paused and turned around making shuichi get nervous and drop the gun "you coming or what?" "Um yeah coming!" Shuichi called in response before picking up the gun and chasing after kokichi 'what was I thinking! Kokichi wouldn't betray me so I shouldn't betray him.....or would he'

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