absolute despair boys

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I'm not sure what happened....i was captured, taken to a blimp by some crazy green haired guy, then tossed aside like a broken toy after I upset some kid named monaca....i didn't mean to upset her! I just asked a simple question and she got mad at me....so now I'm on the rooftop of some school.... I trembled in the doorway as I stared down the seemingly endless staircase. Blood stained the walls and I could see loose limbs everywhere. It disgusted me. I tried to swallow my fear and anxiety but it only came back stronger. What was waiting for me at the bottom? It could be nothing or it could be more of those damn black and white bears..... "I-i guess there's only one way to find out" I mumbled to no one. Hacking gun in hand I descended the staircase.

Everytime i took a step it made a terrible echo that of course scared the hell out of me....but then I heard another echo, a voice that wasn't my own.... "Shuichi~" I froze...the voice was raspy, melodic and...childish...i couldn't place where the voice came from so I decided to continue forwards and wish for the best.

I somehow managed to make it to the end without issues but once I reached the end I saw a silhouette of a monokuma walking towards me slowly. I tried to shoot it with the hacking gun but it had no effect "wh-what kind of monokuma is this?" I said as I turned to run but I was met with a door right in front of my face. I tried to open it but it was locked "no no no NO" I repeated as I tried to push the door open but it wouldn't budge. I took a glace behind me to see that the monokuma was a few steps behind me which sent me into a panic. I pounded on the door in a desperate attempt to get it open but it didn't do anything.

I heard a click as I was handcuffed to something and then the monokuma grabbed its ear and pulled off it's head revealing a short boy with purple hair. It became clear to me that it wasn't an actual monokuma but a boy in an oversized monokuma hoodie. He placed his hands on both sides of me and stared into my eyes. We both just stood there for a moment with both hands on either side of me and his knee in between my legs (which was a bit awkward because of his hight) until he suddenly said "hi saihara-chan!" "GAH!" I screamed "jeez calm down I haven't even done anything yet" He said as he backed off and took a moment to play with his hair "Why did you handcuff me...what did you handcuff me too" He giggled and raised his arm to show me his handcuffs. My eyes widened as I put two and two together "you handcuffed us together? Are you insane?" He nodded

I let out an annoyed groan "why would you do that" He crossed his arms which forced me to bring my arm forwards a bit "I'm supposed to protect you and I don't want you getting lost" "Why do you have on a hoodie?" I asked again He groaned loudly for a solid three minutes before he said "GOD you ask so many questions....but whatever this is the last time I'm going to answer... I'm wearing it to survive, those dumb monokumas can't tell the difference if I have the hood up now come on this place sucks" He said as he turned on his heel and walked away which forced me to come with him

The next thing I knew we were face to face with a bunch of monokumas. The boy I was handcuffed to ducked and hid behind some buildings so I was forced to do the same "what are you doing? You said they can't tell the difference with your hood up right?" He paused "yeah but they can still see that you are a human it doesn't matter if I'm with you or not they're going to attack you" He explained "I'm sure I'll be able to handle it there aren't that many" "If you're so sure then fine, go out there and face them but don't say I didn't warn you" He said as he flipped his hood up, preparing himself for battle. I took a second to think over my decision before I took out the hacking gun and rushed out into the swarm of monokumas.

It almost immediately became clear that I underestimated the amount of monokumas and what they could do so I was quickly overwhelmed....without any other options I crouched down behind the boy in the monokuma hoodie and curled into a ball. I'm such an idiot why did I think I would be able to handle it! Without realizing it I started shaking even more than I was before and I even began crying "What the hell are you....doing....huh" I heard the boy say but I didn't care. After a few moments he crouched down beside me "hey....good strategy....they're gone they all left stop crying" I tried to calm myself down but I just couldn't stop crying.

"Oh I think you're having a panic attack...shuichi look at me" I slowly turned my head to look at him for a second before burying my face in my hands again "can I touch you?" I shook my head slightly "okay no touch just uh....breathe with me in.....out..... In.... out" I followed his directions, breathing in and out slowly until i had calmed down "there we go....." He said as he cupped my cheek with a smile but he quickly backed off "oh right you said no touching- um...do you want to continue onwards or do you want to stay here for a minute?" I thought for a moment before sighing "c-can we just stay here for a few minutes?" "Of course"

We made the perfect team.....

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