just a game

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"I love you more than anything!" Kokichi said as the title screen popped up. Its sad isn't it? I'm seventeen, I have my whole life ahead of me, and yet I'm on the ground outside playing a romance game for fourteen year olds. Now that I think of it why am I still playing this game? I've already done all of kokichi's events....Just as I was about to start the game it started to rain, then rain harder...then I heard thunder so I decided to rush back into my house but I was in such a hurry that I forgot my phone outside.

Idiot! I'm an idiot! My phone will probably be fine...I-i'll just get it once the storm passes

___________several hours later___________

I heard a knock at my door. In the middle of a storm? I sighed softly and opened the door to see a certain anime boy waiting for me "hi saihara-chan!" Wh....what? This is just a cosplayer....right? Wait then how does he know my name if he's a cosplayer. I slowly raised my hand and slapped him. I've read his bio tons of times and he has a pain kink "ah~" He covered his mouth before looking away and blushing "so, you think you're hot shit huh? Try that again, you won't survive" He even responds as if he was in the game. Am I dreaming? This is probably just a hallucination....that I can feel....i shut the door and turned to walk away but he kept knocking. I groaned before answering "you aren't going to leave me out here are you?" "Yes I am actually I would rather not let a hallucination into my house" I tried to shut the door but he stopped it with his foot.

"Will you stop? You aren't even real" He looked at me with adorable pleading eyes "But I AM real!" He whined loudly. I'm not buying it I refuse to believe this adorable anime boy is really....well, real "seriously i'll let you feel me up and everything!" I tried to shut the door again but he held it open "thats it, if you let me in I'll give you your phone back" He said as he held up my wet phone in a almost taunting mannor "you're seriously holding my phone hostage?....fine....come in just don't touch anything" He smiled happily and pushed me aside so he could get into my house. He looked around with a confused expression "I don't remember your house looking like this saihara....did you move or something?" Oh right he's never seen my house before....only pictures from the visual novel "yeah....sure" I lied he smirked and I heard him mumble "something something dirty liar" Under his breath

"Yeah....im going to bed maybe if I go to sleep you'll dissapear" "Oh I'll come too!" He said I grabbed his shoulders to make him stay in place "no, no you stay here" "But whyyyyyyy? You said you loved me didn't you? What happened to that?" I paused. He's just a fictional character there's no way i....love him....there is no way I can love him he isn't real....but here he is starting at me with sad, glossy eyes. I sighed "fine fine just for tonight" "Yay! Thank you saihara-chan!" He said as he embraced me tightly. He's....much shorter in real life...

i felt him wrap his legs around me so I placed my hand under his thighs as support "do you really need me to carry you?" "Of course dummy!" I rolled my eyes before carrying him into the bedroom like he requested. I set him down on the bed and was about to go brush my teeth but he stopped me by grabbing onto my sleeve "wait...ive never spent the night with you....alone" He purred as he got on his knees "don't you want to....take advantage of this situation?"

And that was the day I was fucked by an anime boy

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