remnant of despair (shuichi)

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I slowly awoke with my hands tied above my head and my legs tied together. I squinted and looked around, trying to see through the eyes widened as a singular spotlight was turned on and I could see the bodies....they all had their limbs missing and they were disfigured....all of them were tied up just like I was....well they weren't all in the same position I was in but you get the idea. I've heard stories from survivors of this....Psychopathic asshole but I never believed them until right now, apparently he's a detective turned serial killer, using mind games to figure out your greatest fear and then he would use it to his advantage....but I know his mind games and I think I'll be able to resist him. Then the man of the hour finally showed himself, dragging a bloody fire ax behind himself with a smile. I immediately noticed his inconsistent skin tone and red eye, apparently he had taken parts of junko's face and the skin started to rot which infected his eye, turning his eye red.....fucking.....disgusting

"Well look at who finally decided to show up to the party, did you have fun jerking off to pictures of junko?" I taunted even though he was in the position of power and if I said one wrong word my life could end in a split second. He got closer to me, not saying anything and then he stopped right in front of me "you're feeling threatened by me being in your presence I can see it in your eyes" Apparently that was always his opener....i watched as he reached in his pocket and unwrapped something that looked like a rounded blue pill "what the hell is that?" I asked as I began to get a little worried but I kept my composure. He didn't answer he just placed the pill in his mouth, grabbed me by the shoulders and kissed me roughly, forcing the pill into my mouth. He kept kissing me for so long the pill started to dissolve in my mouth and it burned my mouth. I had enough after making out with this boy for a solid five minutes so I bit his tongue which must've shocked him so bad he stumbled backwards. As soon as I saw the opportunity I spit out the pill "I don't swallow, hun" I taunted once again

My taunting didn't seem to annoy him in fact it seemed to have the opposite effect. He spat out some blood and looked at me with a smirk "wow a fiery one" He said before he got closer to me, takeing a moment to study my body. "Just how malnourished are you" He asked with curiousity as he unbuttoned the billions of buttons and clasps on my shirt. His smile grew as he placed his cold hands on my bare skin "wow! I can see your ribs right through your skin! Amazing" He said as he got even closer. I felt a strange sensation start at my chest and end at the elastic of my boxers which made me shiver. I really hope he wasn't doing what I think he was doing because thats just plain disgusting.

There is a way to escape him however....i just need to play dead until he gets bored and cuts be free then I can make a run towards the exit, I'm much faster than him anyway. The only reason he caught me in the first place was because he jumped me out of nowhere, it's a little unfair if you ask me but whatever. Without warning I went limp. I could hear him walk circles around me, not saying anything or doing anything to least I think so......then I felt an intense pain in my wrist and I heard something fleshy fall to the ground. I immediately dropped the act and screamed bloody murder, he cut off my hand "I knew it! You really think I'm going to fall for the same trick four times?" Godamn fucking LIARS! They said it would work every time

He ended up keeping me there for a few weeks as nothing but eye candy and sometimes a sex toy, until finally future foundation came to rescue me. Took those fucking idiots long enough! least it's finally over.....ugh I'm just so done with everything, the second I'm out of here I'm jumping off of a building I swear to fuck!

And that's exactly what I did

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