creative magic

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Succi- ultimate art boi

Kokichi- ultimate s̶a̶d magician

Kaede- ultimate robo gurl

Rantaro- ultimate supreme leader

I was just painting in my lab like usual singing along to a song that was playing in my head when I got this strange I was being watched. I looked around "yoohoo? Anyone home?" I called out with a smile. To my surprise kokichi entered my lab. The depressed magician kept his eyes glued to the floor as I embrased him "oh welcome kokichi! What brings you here on this wonderful day" He sighed before mumbling "nehhhh.....uh......i was drawn here by the power of your beautiful singing voice" Kokichi never gives complements to anyone ever I think it's a pride thing. I smiled and clasped my hands together happily "Oh you like my singing? Thank you kokichi I greatly appreciate it!" The small boy flinched and suddenly got flustered "neh! Um I didn't......i um...." He grabbed me by my smock and shoved me to my knees before placing his hands on my forehead and mumbling "forgeeeeet! forgeeeeet!"

I looked up at him with confusion before smileing "um what are you doing kokichi?" "I'm casting a spell on you and when I'm done you won't remember the....embarrassing complement I gave you" For some reason kokichi firmly believes that his magic is real....and I don't want to make him more depressed than he already is so I'll humor him for a bit. I stared at him with a fake confused expression and said "oh kokichi when did you get here"

He stared at me for a second before I watched a smile grow on his face "I knew it! My magic is real!" He took a moment to jump around with joy before calming himself down " i....i was watching you paint for awhile and it looked fun so....can I paint with you?" He wants to paint with me? I'm usually more of a loner but I haven't really spent much time with kokichi or anyone now that I think about it "of course! Just grab a brush and paint anywhere!" He picked up a brush from my pile of many before looking at me with a confused look "Anywhere? Like the floor?" I laughed "If that's where you want to paint then yes"

After awhile of painting with kokichi he slumped over and leaned on me "kokichi? What's wrong?" He yawned before hugging onto me "I used up all of my mana....nehhhh" From overhearing conversations he would have with others in the hallway I've figured out that's just what he says when he's tired "Oh I'll carry you back to your room okay?" He nodded slowly. I placed my arm under his thighs and picked him up carefully.

As I walked through the hallways I almost dropped kokichi because a boy with green hair chaseing around a robot girl with pink eyes pushed me out of his way forcefully. This is why I stay in my lab so often everyone else seems to be very rude! I sighed and continued onwards until I reached kokichi's dorm.

I set him on the bed and was about to leave when kokichi grabbed my wrist "Wait um....can you sing me a lullaby? Please" I sighed and sat on kokichi's bed right next to him. I guess it couldn't hurt to sing a little tune "in the dark there's a start waiting hidden for you, you can't see all you know is lost memories, please don't cry dry your eyes I can promise your future will be bright, look into the light" Kokichi was fast asleep "Goodnight kokichi" I whispered before kissing him on the forehead briefly and leaving the room.

(Idk why but while I was making this I imagined shuichi's murder case and I just- )

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