let me out

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Kokichi stared out the window, one hand on the glass the other pinned to his side. He watched as all of the people passed and he wished he could go outside and talk to them. Kokichi was a sheltered boy, never let outside of the house and he didn't have a computer or a phone so the only human interaction he got was from his parents....he didn't like talking to them....one wrong word and.....

.....he didn't like to think about it.....he was approaching his seventeenth birthday and the only present he wanted was to go outside. Even just once! For a split second! Even a single breath of fresh air would be a welcome friend for kokichi.....but he wouldn't dare beg.....he knew the consequences.....

The short male took in a breath then withdrew from the window....."you won't be safe out there!" "Yes I will that's why-" The short boys testimony was interrupted by a harsh smack on the cheek. His mother paused before gently consoling him with a smile "stop questioning me.....i've been alive for much longer than you have so I know better"

I know better.....i know better......i know better I know better I know better I know better I know better I know better I know better I know better I know better.....those same three words echoed and mixed around in his head. "She doesn't know better....she doesn't know anything" He thought to himself spitefully as he sat down on the floor "I know all that she wants is to keep me safe from the horrors of the outside world but....it isn't any better in here"

Thankfully....today was the day he would finally escape, run away from the prison he called his home and experience truely living for the first time. He teared up with excitement just thinking about it!

He grabbed his checkered backpack and threw it on the hard wooden floor then started shoveling items into the bag. He had no idea what to take to survive outside so he decided to take everything that would fit then once it was full he picked it up, slung it over his shoulder then quietly walked downstairs.

It was night time so his parents were already asleep. all he had to do was stay quiet. He hesitated as he stared at the golden doorknob. One door stood between him and freedom so what was he waiting for? "Is....is it really as bad as mom says it is" He whispered to himself....."only.....one way.....to find out" With trembling hands he grabbed the doorknob, twisted, pulled and....

Kokichi stood there shivering. He never thought that the outside world would be so cold but even so he walked down the street with no idea how to talk to people "hi there!" He greeted nervously stopping someone on the street "what do you want kid" Kokichi froze not really knowing what to do "I...just wanted to say hello" "Tch whatever dont waste my time like that again" Then the man left. Then another person came along "how's your day going" He was brushed aside like he didn't even exist

"Mom was right....the world really is cold and mean" He mumbled.....but he refused to go back now if he went back....he wasn't sure if he would survive the beating he would receive. He sighed and walked with his head down until he bumped into a boy who didn't look much older than him. "Hello...." Kokichi greeted in a mumbled voice "oh I'm so sorry! Here let me help you up" This person seemed nicer than all of the other people he encountered that evening. He took the boys hand and he helped him up

"That's a pretty big backpack...but schools been out for days....are you going somewhere?" That was the exact moment when kokichi realized that he had no idea where he was going. He hadn't thought that far ahead. "Um...." He mumbled "you don't know do you....did you run away from home?" He nodded silently "oh...um...i have extra space in my apartment I could let you stay with me for awhile" Kokichi smiled...maybe the world wasn't so bad

"Thank you....whats your name" "Shuichi saihara....and yours" "Kokichi....just kokichi" Shuichi looked confused "you don't have a last name?" He did....he just hated it because he got it from his parents "nope" Shuichi laughed "alright then kokichi let's go home" He said but before shuichi could leave kokichi stopped him "so soon? Can't we stay outside for just a little but longer" "Sure we could stop at a bakery my friend owns before we go home" Kokichi smiled. A bakery....i wonder what one looks like "I would like that"

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