"Never Again." (Karla Pinefield x reader) Angst

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Trigger Warning: Noncon

I sigh as I sat in my dorm, studying with my friend. Finals for our first semester were coming out. I sigh as I got to a question that was a bit difficult but before I could ask Ashley for help, Orson walked into our dorm. "Hey Guys!" He greets with a smile and I hum before smiling "Hey you dork, shouldn't you be studying?" Ashley asks and Orson pouts "I was...but my roommate said that there was a party going on at one of the frat houses....you guys wanna come with me?"

I roll my eyes "Orson, we don't have time for partying. Finals are in a week." I say and he smirks softly "My brothers are coming" he says and I blush softly "...even Karla?" I ask and he nods "Yep, I convinced him to come along." He says and I smile softly "well...I guess if my boyfriend is gonna be there...sure" I say before putting my books away.

Ashley sighs and stands up, walking over to kiss Orson on the cheek "I guess I'll come along too" she says softly before we all left the dorm to walk to the frat house where there was a huge party going on. When he entered the house Orson lead us to where his brothers were waiting. I smile when I saw Karla before walking over to hug him.

Karla hums and smiles softly as he hugs me back, kissing my forehead before handing me a cup "I see that Orson managed to convince you to come." He says with a smile and I nod before taking a sip of the beer in my cup. "Yeah...he said you were here so I figured why not" I say and he hums before chuckling softly "well I'm glad you're here. I would've been pretty bored" he says softly and I smile before kissing him softly

The party was actually a lot of fun. Ashley and I spent a lot of time chatting and dancing with our boyfriends while we drank. It didn't take long before I became drunk. Ashley was tipsy but sober enough to know that I needed to go home or else I would be dealing with a horrible hangover...but she wanted to stay a bit longer with Orson so she asked Karla to take me home. This conversation happening while I cling to my boyfriend's arm while I giggle and slur my words.

Karla agreed to take me back to the dorm as he was getting tired. So we left the party to go to my dorm. Both Karla and I were drunk, I was a bit more intoxicated than him though. Karla looks at me and smiles softly as he held me close "Y/n~ Can we cuddle when we get to your dorm?~" he asks and I hum before giggling "Do you just wanna cuddle?" I ask and he glances away with a hum

I hum and giggle softly before entering her dorm with him. I sigh as I walk to my room and lay down on my bed, Karla laying beside me and hugging me close. I smile up at him before leaning in to kiss him softly. He hums and smiles softly as he kisses back, gently rubbing my hips. I giggle softly and wrap my arms around his neck, squeaking softly as he moves me to lay back while he hovers over me

I pull back with a soft giggle as he slips his hands under my shirt before tensing as he moves a hand into my pants to touch my clothed core as he kisses up and down my neck. I gasp softly and lightly push on his chest "Hey Karla~ stop~ I didn't say you could touch that silly~" I say softly, my voice still slurred

I hum and glance down when he didn't stop touching me. I continue to try to stop him, thinking that the alcohol was making him like this, that he would either snap out of it or possibly pass out from exhaustion and would laugh it off when he sobered up. But those thoughts vanished as I felt him unbutton and pull my pants off. I froze and tried harder to stop him as I was not ready to do that yet. I flinch as he grabs my wrists and pins them down with a smirk on his face.

I froze and turn my head away with a whimper as he leans down. I felt a tear leave my eye and shut my eyes tight when I hear him unbuckle his belt.

When I woke up the next morning, my body ached and I couldn't remember anything at first. I sat up with a groan and held the side of my head. I glance around before looking down and tensing when I saw my nude body. That's when all of last night's memories hit me at once. I was in shock before feeling tears leave my eyes.

I glance to my side and froze when I saw Karla sleeping soundly beside me. I didn't know what to do. This WAS my boyfriend...I loved him....but I didn't want to do what we did last night. I know I couldn't really be mad at Karla...I mean, surely he didn't know what he was doing...we were both drunk

I push my face into my hands as I started crying. This ended up waking Karla, who slowly sat up with a soft groan. "Y/n? Woah woah hey, why are you crying?" He asks softly while pulling my hands away and I shut my eyes tightly before looking down, I couldn't face him. Not right now.

"y/n...baby girl why won't you look at me? What's wrong?" He asks and I could hear the concern in his voice. I open my eyes but keep my head down "Karla...do you remember anything about last night...what you...did?" I ask and he hums before going silent as he thinks. I glance up and saw him glance around the room, at our discarded clothes before looking at me again.

He took in how I was acting and the fact that I seemed...traumatized before his eyes widen and mouth drops open. He was silent for another minute before speaking in a shaky voice "Y/n...I..don't tell me that I..." I sigh and rub my arm as I glance away "I mean...you were drunk...we both were....but yes." I say as I felt tears well up again and I saw Karla reach out to try and wipe them away but pauses.

He pulls his hand back and stood up. I look at him with a hum as he pulls his underwear and pants back on before grabbing the rest of his things "..I'm sorry....I should've...I should've controlled myself better....I didn't...I never wanted to hurt you..." he pauses as he turns to leave "...and I've hurt you in the worst way possible." He says before leaving my room

I quickly got up and threw my clothes on before rushing out to try to catch up to him. I grab his wrist before he could leave my dorm "Karla please...come back to my room...we can talk about this....I know that it wasn't your fault. I-" "It is my fault....I should've limited my drinking..especially when I saw that you were starting to drink a lot....but I didn't....and I ended up forcing myself on you.....that's unforgivable."

I froze when I saw that he was crying before moving to stand in front of him, blocking the door "Karla...I know...I know it's unforgivable....but I also know that you didn't know what you were doing....I may be stupid to do this.....but I forgive you...cause I know that it's not your fault....I was just as drunk as you....so let's just...forgive and forget..."

Karla stares at me with teary eyes before hugging me tightly, his things dropping to the floor followed by him as he drops to his knees, pulling me down with him. "You...You are too kind it's scary y/n....I love you...I love you so much...and I swear from this day on I'll never ever touch alcohol again." He says between sobs and I hug him tightly, pushing my face into his shoulder "Never again?" I ask and he nods with a shaky sigh

"Never Again."

Sorry about the dark oneshot but this story has been in the back of my mind all day😅 if you guys want a part two of this, let me know and if enough people want it I'll try to write a part two.

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