Tame the Beast Part 3: Truth Discovered

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I woke up with a hum and open my eyes to see Karamatsu still asleep. He looked so peaceful. Then I realize that it was morning. That Poseidon would be here any minute. I sat up and quickly try to wake up Karamatsu. He groans softly but doesn't wake up. Then I hear a knock on the door that makes me jump. I sigh and use my tail fin to smack him. He woke up and sat up to look at me. I shush him before he could say anything.

I gesture to the door and he went pale before I go to open the door. Before I do I gesture for Karamatsu to escape quickly. I open the door and swiftly step out. "Morning Poseidon." I say with a nervous smile and he hums "Morning y/n, you're up already?" He asks and I hum "uh yeah, I wanted to wake up earlier so I could actually greet you at the door properly."

"Ah I see. Well I'm glad you're awake. Breakfast should be ready in-" He was interrupted by a thud from inside my room. I froze and Poseidon glances at the door with narrowed eyes. "What was that?" He asks and I back up against the door. "Nothing." I say and he steps closer. "Y/n. Open the door." He says with crossed arms and I shook my head. He steps forwards and lightly pushes me aside to open the door.

I cover my mouth and stood behind him as he steps into my room. To see Karamatsu about to leave out the window. Poseidon went silent with wide eyes. "Uh...hey Poseidon...long time no see." He says with a nervous smile. "What are you doing here" Poseidon growls as he grips his trident and Karamatsu hums. "Uh now you see that's the funny thing and when you hear it heh you're gonna laugh." Karamatsu says and Poseidon glares at him. "I highly doubt that."

"Right...Whelp..I'm gonna go." He says and drops down from the window. "You get back here!" Poseidon shouts before going after him and I follow them. When I exit through the window I saw them fighting. Though it was mostly Poseidon fighting Karamatsu. People were fleeing from the fight as Poseidon threw Karamatsu against the wall of one of the many buildings. Leaving behind an indent.

I swam over to stop Poseidon "Wait! Stop!" I plead and try to stop him. But he doesn't listen. So before he could give a final blow I quickly swam over to stand in front of Karamatsu with my arms spread out from my body "Please don't hurt him." I plead and he stares at me. "Y/n. Get out of the way." He says softly and I shook my head "I won't!" I glance back at Karamatsu who was holding his head with a pained expression.

"I love him Poseidon."

I saw his eyes widen and I sigh before turning to help Karamatsu up. "He's not dangerous anymore. I'm choosing to be with him because I love him and he loves me...please give him a chance." I say as I hug Karamatsu's arm. Poseidon glances between the two of us before he sighs. "I can't believe I'm doing this...alright I'll give him a chance" he says and I smile

"However" he moves over and lays a firm hand on Karamatsu's shoulder. "You hurt her in anyway. I'm gonna kill you." He says with a serious face and tone. Karamatsu smiles nervously but calms down a bit when I hug him. "Yeah I don't think you need to worry about that." Karamatsu says wrapping his arm around my waist.

I'm so happy that I found Karamatsu.

I found and tamed the beast with just a little bit of love.

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