A Silent Voice (Ichimatsu x Karamatsu's daughter! reader)

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For SheBunnies18

Y/n Matsuno, The daughter of Karamatsu, was a shy, quiet girl. She was 12 years old and had difficulty talking to people that weren't her family...with the exclusion of her uncle Ichimatsu. For some reason he would always ignore her and she didn't know why. Despite being quiet, she was a nice and well behaved girl and yet he seemed to hate her...and she didn't understand why.

At one point she overheard her father talking to Ichimatsu. Simply asking if he would help her with her difficulties with speaking to people. Ichimatsu was silent as Karamatsu spoke before he finally said "Why should I help her? It's not my problem that she can't talk to people?"

Hearing that was crushing to y/n but it did help her realize that Ichimatsu didn't want anything to do with her.

I sigh as I walk home from school. I wipe my tears away as I walk. My classmates were bullying me yet again because of how quiet I was and how I had no friends. But this time they were needlessly cruel. Saying things like how I would never get a friend...that I would die alone.....and that if I did die no one but my family would miss me.

I sigh as I walk with my head down, hugging myself as fresh tears left my eyes "...I know uncle Ichimatsu probably wouldn't miss me....I mean he already acts like I don't exist.." I mumble to myself and sniffle "...he hates me...why didn't I realize it sooner..." I mumble as I walk before accidentally bumping into an older man. I mumble a sorry before walking around him.

But I didn't notice that he started to follow me.

I could feel a dark aura form around me as I continue degrading myself, telling myself how my classmates were right and how I would forever be alone. I snap out of my depressive mode as my wrist was suddenly grabbed before I was pulled into an alleyway. I went to scream but a hand covers my mouth. I glanced up to see the man I had bumped into earlier.

I started kicking and screaming as he pulls me further down the alley before wincing as he punches the back of my head. Though it hurt I continue to struggle before he grabs my head and slammed it against the brick wall. I clutch my head and fell to the ground with a pained whimper. I could felt dampness on my hand and knew I was bleeding.

I froze when I felt the man's hands on my waist before hearing the sound of fabric ripping as he starts to rip my uniform shirt off. I felt my heart sink when I realized what he was going to do to me. I turn onto my back, covering my chest with my arm while reaching out to try and push him away but the blow to my head made my attempts weak.

He gave another hard punch to the side of my head and my sight went blurry before I passed out.

Before passing out I heard an angry shout directed to the man.

When I woke up I was in a hospital room and I could feel a bandage on my head. I slowly glance around but froze when I saw my uncle Ichimatsu sleeping in a chair beside my bed. I hum and glance up at the ceiling before slowly sitting up as I remember what happened. I figured out pretty quickly that it was my uncle who yelled at the man.

I glance down as tears well in my eyes before I tried to remember if the man did what he planned to...while it didn't feel like anything happened to me...I couldn't remember so I wasn't sure..

I hug myself tighter before glancing at my uncle as he shifts a bit before waking up. He lifts his head and when he locks eyes with me he quickly stood up out of his chair to hug me tightly. I tense up and glance at my uncle's face to see tears leaving his eyes "I'm so glad you're okay...I..I don't know what I would've done if you had been....I'm glad I showed up when I did to stop that bastard."

I glance down at his knuckles to see that they were bruised and bleeding. I tear up as I realize my uncle did stop the man and that relief lead to me crying my eyes out as I hug my uncle tightly. He just held me close, gently rubbing my back before I hear him mumble "I'm sorry"

After calming down, my uncle explained that the reason he had avoided me and didn't talk to me was cause he thought I would be like my father. He explained that he didn't get along with Karamatsu because of how different his personality was and thought I would be the same way.

He asked me if I would forgive him for being such an idiot.

I forgave him, of course I did, how could I not.

He was my uncle.

He was the one who saved me.

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