Yandere! Osomatsu+Yandere! Karamatsu x reader

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For djpartypon
Sorry that this took so long.

I sigh as I left the bar to head home. After work I decided to stop in for a quick drink before going home to my boyfriends. Yeah I had two boyfriends. Osomatsu and Karamatsu Matsuno. They were nice men and they treated me right. They were a little...strange but I loved them regardless. They gave me no reason not to love them.

Anyway I was walking down the street stumbling a bit. I wasn't drunk but I was a little tipsy. At least I was sober enough to walk and think properly. I walk pass an alleyway and gasp as I was pulled into the alley. I hand clasped over my mouth and my eyes widen as I look back to see a rugged looking man. He didn't seem sober either.

"Hey pretty lady~ whatcha doing out this late?~" he purrs and I shiver in disgust as he licks my neck. I struggle in his grip and whine as he slams me up against the wall. I wince in pain and struggle in his grip. "Stop! Let me go-Ah!" I yelp as he presses his knee against my crotch hard. "Oh come on~ don't be like that~" he purrs and I shut my eyes with a whimper.

Before he could do anything I hear him groan before letting go of me. I open my eyes when I was pulled into a comforting embrace. I was surprised to see Osomatsu holding me. He was glaring in the opposite direction and I turn my head to see why. I was shocked to see Karamatsu beating the guy senseless.

With an iron pipe.

I cover my mouth in shock because even in the dark I could see blood staining the pipe. Yet Karamatsu didn't stop. I was a little scared at the unfamiliar look in his eyes before I rush over. "Karamatsu stop! That's enough!" I shout as I clutch the wrist of the hand that held the pipe. "Enough my ass. I don't think he learned his lesson." He says in a low tone.

"If you keep going you'll kill him." I say and he hums "yeah...that's the plan." I let go in shock and he turns to look at me. I flinch when I saw that some blood had splattered onto his cheek. "It's what he gets." Karamatsu says as Osomatsu approaches "You should stop though" Osomatsu says and I hum softly as I thought he was taking my side but I was wrong when he kicks the guy.

"I haven't had my turn yet."

I back a bit trembling in fear. They were acting so strange. More than usual. I was terrified. "But...if you guys keep hurting him like that..he'll die." I say softly and they hum before grinning. "That's what he gets for what he tried to do to our girl." Osomatsu says as he walks over to cup my right cheek. "Yes. I agree brother, he deserves death for trying to rape our princess." Karamatsu says and moves to cup the other side of my face.

Both of them lean up to my ear. "Doesn't he deserve punishment y/n~" they coo into my ears. I shudder and tear up as I look down at the now unconscious man. "Shouldn't he suffer for what he attempted?" Osomatsu asks and I glance down "I..I don't know." I say and Osomatsu hums. "I think she's distraught from his actions. Karamatsu." He says and Karamatsu perks up with a hum.

"Take her home. Have her relax." He says before taking the iron pipe from him "and leave this creep to me." He says and Karamatsu nods before lifting me up into his arms. He walks away and I flinch while covering my ears when I hear a crack followed by a pained groan. I tear up and sob softly while Karamatsu holds me close.

He kisses me softly and I was too scared to pull away. He pulls back and smiles "don't cry my darling. Osomatsu will take care of that man while you and I relax." He says softly as he caresses my cheek. Again I was too scared to pull away. By the time Osomatsu got home I was on our bed shaking like a leaf. I think I was more traumatized from what my boyfriends did rather than what the man did.

Especially when I asked Osomatsu about him and he openly admitted that he killed the bastard. Word for word that's what he said. I didn't say anything and was silent the rest of the night. When I was in bed wedged between them I was contemplating calling the police. I loved them and would hate to see them arrested.

But they just killed a man!

Regardless if he was going to rape me or not they killed him.

So I made sure both were asleep before squeezing out from between them and sneaking to the kitchen. I pick up the phone and dial 911. I only press 91 before I hear "what are you doing up?" I froze and turn to see Osomatsu. "I..I um.." I stammer and he hums before walking over to hang up the phone. "Who were you calling?" He asks and I gulp nervously as I glance away.

My words caught in my throat and I became even more nervous when I saw Karamatsu out of the corner of my eye before he walks over. "I think she was calling the police Osomatsu." Karamatsu says as he stood behind me. "What?" I fiddle with my fingers. He seemed angry or at least upset with me. "I..I mean I felt like I had to...you guys killed a man and"

"We only did that because he would've hurt you." Karamatsu butts in and I step away from them. "I don't like how you guys seem so...calm about this." I say and they hum before Osomatsu mutters "well it's not the first time we've done it." Karamatsu gave him a look and I froze "W-What?" I stutter and they look at each other before they hum.

"You've killed before?" I ask in shock as I step back and they approach me slowly. "Now now don't worry y/n. We've only killed to protect you." Karamatsu says and Osomatsu nods "We only kill those who hurt you...or could get in the way of us." Osomatsu says and I was frozen in shocked. If that was true that would explain why the few bullies I had just disappeared.

"Don't worry so much y/n. We're only trying to help you." Karamatsu says and I tense a bit as he hugs me. "Come on lets get you back to bed." Osomatsu says and I nod before following behind them to our room. At this point I was too scared to say anything.

When we got back to bed there was a major thought in my mind.

What have I gotten myself into?

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