Sweet Treat (Jyushimatsu x reader x Todomatsu)

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For Melabi_Fork

I was working my shift at the local bakery when I saw Jyushimatsu and Todomatsu enter the store. I smile and went out to hug both of them. They smile and both of them kiss my cheek making me blush. "So what brings you two here?" I ask and they smile "We wanted to see you y/n-chan." Todomatsu says and I smile "Yeah! We couldn't wait to see you!" Jyushimatsu says and I try to get him to lower his voice.

"Well I get off in like 30 minutes, do you mind waiting a little more?" I ask and they hum before nodding. I smile and have them sit down before going back to work. I had a few of my coworkers stare at me but they didn't say anything. Until I clocked out and went to the break room to change. Before leaving I grab the box of chocolate taiyaki that I had bought earlier to take home.

"Hey y/n." I sigh as I recognize the voice of Juna. I didn't get along with her and honestly I didn't like her. I turn with a hum and she gave me a look. "You were those men? The ones are identical?" She asks and I could sense where this was going. "There names are Jyushimatsu and Todomatsu. They are my boyfriends." I say and rush to leave the room but I hear her mumble.

"I guess one man isn't enough for her."

I sigh at the comment that I have heard before so it didn't bother me. I walk over to the brothers and they instantly got up, Jyushimatsu seemed very excited to see me finally off work. Jyushimatsu hugs me tight and I huff before hugging back. I pull away and we all left the shop. As we were walking back to their house we made a stop at the park where we sat down.

I open the box I had and inside were 3 chocolate taiyaki. I took one while the other two were taken by the boys. I giggle as Jyushimatsu ate his rather quickly but smile softly before I kiss his cheek. "I love that you have such a sweet tooth." I say softly and he smiles before I turn to Todomatsu. "What about you Todomatsu? You like it?" I ask and he nods "it's really sweet." He says before wrapping his arm around my waist.

"Not as sweet as you though" He coos before kissing me softly and I pull back with a whine as I cover my face. "Ha Ha! You made her flustered Todomatsu! Let me try!" He says and before I could stop him he started placing kisses all over my face. I blush hard and I squeal softly "Nooo stop! You're gonna kill me!" I squeal out but giggle softly as Todomatsu hugs me from behind me.

"You're so adorable when flustered." He coos with a smile and I hum as Jyushimatsu pulls away. Jyushimatsu smiles and hugs me as well. I sigh and try my best to hug both of them. They pull away and we stood up to head to their home. I hum as Jyushimatsu hugs me from behind. I blush as he nuzzles his face on mine before saying with a smile

"You're our sweet treat y/n."

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