Tame the Beast (Cthulhu! Karamatsu x Mermaid! reader+Poseidon! Karamatsu)

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Sorry this idea came to my head and I just had to post it. To avoid confusion Poseidon Karamatsu will just be known as Poseidon

I let out a sigh as I was move alongside Poseidon. I was following him as he checks on his kingdom and it's citizens. He of course heard my sigh and stops to look at me. "You okay y/n?" He asks and I hum "I'm fine sir but I'm so bored. Can I please go explore." I say with pleading eyes and he smiles "I see nothing wrong with that." He says and I hum "really?" I ask and he nods.

"I mean if my pupil wishes to look around go ahead." He says and I smile brightly before hugging him. "Oh thank you." I say and he smiles before pulling away to look me in the eyes "but be careful and don't venture too far. There are parts of this ocean that are too dangerous for a small thing like you." He says and I roll my eyes but nod.

"I promise not to venture out too far."

Yeah I ended up breaking that promise as I left his kingdom to explore the ocean. Parts of the ocean I had never seen before. Then I reach a part of the ocean that was dark and kind of scary. Regardless I swam on with curiosity. I stop when I hear a squeak and turn my head. "Hm? That's strange not many things in the ocean squeak." I say before swimming in the direction of the squeak. I stop when a saw a small octopus trapped in these barbed vines.

I gasp when I saw how much it was struggling and how scared it looked

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I gasp when I saw how much it was struggling and how scared it looked. I swam closer "oh you poor thing. Here let me help." I say and it hums before looking at me. I hum and reach out to gently pull the vines off the poor creature. Once I got them all off the octopus looks at me before chirping happily. I hum and smile as it tries to hug me. "Heh you're welcome." I say softly and gently pet it.

"What are you doing here?"

I hum when I hear an unfamiliar voice but before I could turn my head. Something wraps around my tail and pulls me back before turning me around. I was then face to face with someone who had the same face as my mentor Poseidon.

"What are you doing here? In my territory." He asks me with a low tone of voice and I gulp nervously as I was scared. "I..I was just exploring I didn't mean...this is your territory?" I ask and he narrows his eyes "exploring huh? Well I don't take kindly to people trespassing." He growls out and lifts his hand pressing a sharp nail against my jaw. "So..What should I do with you?"

Before anything else could happen the octopus I saved swam over and started pushing against my captor's face. He hums and turns his head "what?" He asks and I watch as the octopus motions with their tentacles while letting out a few chirps. My captor glances at me and pulls his hand away. "She saved you? You" I flinch as he turns to me "you saved him?"

"Yeah, He was caught in those vines over there and looked so scared that I just had to help him." I say and he hums before unraveling what I realize was a tentacle. "Well...I appreciate that..what's your name?" He asks and I smile softly as the fear I felt before fades away. "I'm y/n, what's your name?" I ask and he hums "Ah so you don't know who I am that makes sense." He says and I tilt my head with a hum.

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