Her Kink 🍋(Osomatsu+Ichimatsu x reader) Lemon

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For spiritshiki

Osomatsu walks into Dekapan's home with a goal in mind. "Ah Osomatsu Hello." The old doctor greets and was met with a smile. "Hey Dekapan, I need some help." He says and the doctor nods "Of course. What is it you need?" He asks and Osomatsu hums as he scratches the back of his head. "Well...you see there's this girl that Ichimatsu and I have feelings for and-" "let me guess. It's y/n right?"

Osomatsu stops with a blush before glancing away but he gave a nod. The doctor chuckles before having Osomatsu proceed. "Well anyway...we recently discovered that she is drawn to certain scents." He says and the doctor hums "So she's got an attraction to scents huh?" He asks and Osomatsu nods "so I was wondering if you had anything we could use to gain a bit of her attention."

The doctor hums before going into thought "I think I have the perfect thing for you two." Dekapan says before walking off to retrieve a bottle. "Here we are. Now if you and Ichimatsu apply a small amount this to yourselves it should work but it'll take a few minutes." Dekapan says and Osomatsu perks up with a smile before grabbing the bottle "Thanks Dekapan!" He shouts before leaving the building to rush home.

Dekapan stood there with a smile "I'm pretty sure y/n has feelings for them as well....wait isn't there a side effect of that.." he trails off in thought before snapping his fingers "oh right. If she has the same feelings for them and they wear that...the effect will be even stronger...oh dear..well I'm sure they'll be fine...but I should check to see how long it lasts."

I hum softly as I walk to the brothers house. I was excited to hang out with them again. Especially if I get to talk with Osomatsu and Ichimatsu. Osomatsu was easy to talk to but Ichimatsu was mostly quiet. I was used to it though so I didn't mind. Besides I kind of like that Ichimatsu is quiet even if it means he doesn't really talk. I think he talks to me more than anyone though.

When I got there I saw three pairs of shoes. I took a mental note of who's they were. Karamatsu, Osomatsu, and Ichimatsu. I smile softly and cheer internally as the three boys that I got along most with were here. No offense to the others but I just got along better with these three. So I slip off my shoes and walk over the living room door.

I slide the door open and smile when I saw the brothers in their usual spots. "Hey guys, is it just you guys home today?" I ask and they nod "yes, everyone else is out and about." Karamatsu says with a smile as I sat between him and Osomatsu. I look up to see Ichimatsu sitting in his usual corner. "Ichimatsu why don't you sit over here?" I ask and he glances away.

"I don't feel like it." He mumbles and glares at Osomatsu who just chuckles nervously. "Yeah, he's not in the best mood right now." Osomatsu says and I gave Osomatsu a look "What did you do?" I ask and he raises his hands in surrender "I didn't do anything." He says and I hum before looking over Ichimatsu. I saw that he has his face practically buried in his arms. I could also see a faint blush on his face.

I shrug it off and start conversing with Osomatsu and Karamatsu. After a few minutes I pause, still listening, but not talking. I hum as I sniff lightly and blush at the scent I pick up. It was an almost flowery, sweet scent. I blush harder the more I took in the scent. I stood up with a hum and follow the scent over to where Ichimatsu sat.

He looks up with a hum and I sat down beside him with narrowed eyes. I hum and lean in closer making him lean back a bit. "you alright y/n?" Karamatsu asks but I tune him out as I sniff lightly. I perk up and my stare softens. I lean in and nuzzle my face into Ichimatsu's neck. "Hm~ you smell nice~" I coo as I bury my face further into the crevice of his neck.

I smile softly as he blushes hard and I glance back with a hum when I hear. "Okay..I'm just gonna go." Karamatsu says as he stood up "Oh? Where are you going?" Osomatsu asks and Karamatsu glances at me with a hum. "Anywhere...I can sense where this is going." Karamatsu says before leaving and I hum before I went back to nuzzling Ichimatsu.

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