Comforting Him (Highschool! Todomastu x reader)

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For Melabi_Fork

I was walking home from school when I hear a familiar voice whine out "Wait a second Choromatsu-niisan! I want to walk home with you!" I turn my head and sigh when I saw that Todomatsu was left behind. I walk up to him and lay my hand on his shoulder. "Hey Todomatsu." I greet and he turns his head. "Oh hi y/n-chan." He says and I smile "I can walk home with you if you want." I say and he blushes softly but nods.

I smile and we start walking. I hum as he holds my hand but don't pull away as I knew that he'd prefer holding someone's hand. As we walk I notice how quiet he is. "Todomatsu you okay sweetie?" I ask and he hums "I'm fine...but I'm worried." He says and I stop walking to look at him. "Worried? Why?" I ask and he looks down.

"I'm worried what will happen after we graduate."

I sigh as I realize what he meant instantly. I should explain that I have known the brothers since we were young. I was able to notice immediately when they started growing distant and I was so worried. So I understand why he was so worried. He was afraid they would grow further apart.

"Hey it's okay. I promise that you and your brothers won't drift apart. I mean you are sextuplets. You need one another." I say and he keeps his head down. "That's...That's not what I meant." He says and I hum as he starts to fiddle with the end of his blazer. "I mean that is one of my worries...but that's not the main one on my mind." He says and I hum "Then what is it?" I ask and he glances away.

"You're leaving to study abroad right?" He asks and I nod "yeah, why do you ask-oh..Oh." I say and he went silent. "You were referring to're afraid that I'll drift away from you guys?" I ask and he nods with tears forming in his eyes. "I'm more worried that you'll be so caught up in your studies...that you'll forgot all about me." He says and I hum before he wipes his teary eyes.

"Oh Todomatsu." I say softly and reach out to hold his face in mine. He sniffles and looks down "I really like you okay...I really do...I just don't want you drifting away too." He mumbles and I blush softly. I was quick to pull him into a tight hug. "Oh sweetheart. You should've told me sooner." I say and he hums "I like you too...I love you Todomatsu." I say and he pulls back with wide eyes.

His rosy cheeks became even more red as he blushes. "Really?" He asks and I nod before kissing his forehead and he blushes harder before taking my hand in his. "Do you..Do you mind staying at my house for a bit?" He asks and I smile before I nod. "Sure, let's go." I say softly and we start our walk again. I smile as he squeezes my hand gently as we walk.

When we did get to his house I had him put his homework on hold. Before he could even ask why, I pull him close to me before I lay back on the floor. He blushes heavily as his head lays on my chest but I smile as I hug him close. He hums and nuzzles up to me as I gently rub his back.

We ended up falling asleep like this and only woke up when his brothers finally came home.

Even when we woke up I wouldn't leave his side until I had to go home.

I ended up spending the remainder of my day comforting Todomatsu and I didn't mind at all.

I made him happy and that's all I could ask for.

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