Strawberry Scented 🍋(Osomatsu x reader) Lemon

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For teresa-ichiko

I sat on my bed with a blush as I stare at my boyfriend's red hoodie. When I was over at his house earlier I managed to snatch it without him noticing. I smile and pick up the hoodie before pushing my face into the soft fabric. "Hehe~ it's so soft~" I squeal as I fell back on me bed and roll side to side on it. "And it smells soo good~" I say with a hum and I took in the scent.

Oddly enough I could pick up a fruity scent. A strawberry like scent. It was very pleasant and so nice. I lay on my back and inhale his scent with a hum. "How is it that his natural scent is so sweet?" I ask myself with a blush and push the hoodie closer to my nose as I hum. Alright so I may have a slight scent kink but I can't help it. Especially since his scent smells soo good.

The more I took in his scent, the more horny I felt. I hum and bite my lip as I took another whiff of the sweet smell. I couldn't help but reach a hand lower into my pants. I blush and hum when I push my fingers against my underwear. I could already feel the wetness. I smile with a blush before I push my bottoms off. I scoot up till my head lays on my pillows.

I hum and bite my lip as my fingers slip between my folds with ease. I shudder at the wetness I felt before I push two fingers into my pussy. I moan softly as I pump my fingers and rub my clit with my thumb. I moan and bury my face into the hoodie as I just barely graze my g-spot. I pant softly and whine as I thrust my fingers faster. I moan softly and buck my hips. "Oh~ Osomatsu~" I moan softly.

"Heh you having fun there?"

I froze and sat up as I cover myself. I blush heavily when I saw Osomatsu with the spare key to my house. I forgot I'd given that to him. "Um..I can explain." I say with a blush and he hums "no need to explain...but do you mind if I join?" He asks entering my room and shutting the door. I blush as he turns the lock "um..what do you mean?" I ask and I felt my heart beat faster as he walks over.

I blush harder as he took the hoodie away and spreads my legs. "I think you know very well what I mean y/n~" he purrs before lowering his hand to rub my wet slit. I jolt with a moan and lean back on my hands. I glance down with a blush as I watch him gently rub my slit and I felt my pussy become even more wet.

Osomatsu hums and leans up to my ear "how is it you've become so wet~" he purrs into my ear before kissing my neck. "Ha~ I c-can't help it~" I say with a moan as he pushes two fingers into my pussy. "Don't tell you became like this from smelling my hoodie." He says with a smirk as he pumps his fingers and I blush "Aw~ cute~" He coos and kisses me. I immediately wrap my arms around his neck and fall back onto my bed pulling him down with me.

He hums and I moan as he grinds against me. I pull back with a gasp and moan as he kisses my soft spot. "Osomatsu~" I moan as he pumps his fingers faster before curling his fingers. I gasp softly and arch my back as he grazes my g-spot. "Osomatsu please~" I whine softly and he hums before pulling his fingers. I whine softly and blush as he pulls his shirt off.

He drops it on the bed beside my head before moving to push his bottoms off. "y/n" I glance at him and he smiles softly "I see you glancing at my shirt." He says with a smirk and I blush before shyly grabbing the shirt. "Okay I am...but I can't help it" I pause as I press the shirt up to my nose. "You smell nice." I say with a blush and he hums before settling between my legs.

"Hey I'm not judging you so don't be so shy." He says softly and kisses my forehead. I blush softly and my eyes flutter shut as I take in his scent again. I hear him hum before I feel him hold my hips. I open my eyes a bit and bite my lip as he slides in. I moan softly as he bottoms out inside me.

I hum and giggle as he pulls off my top and bra. "Heh let's get these out of the way." He says before dropping them to the floor. I giggle before I moan softly as he starts thrusting slowly. I bite my lip and push my face into the fabric of his shirt with a moan. He moans softly and kisses my forehead "Heh~ you're really wet y/n~"

I blush softly and moan softly "you really like my scent don't you?" He asks and I nod with a moan. I moan into the shirt again before pulling away with a soft whine. "Osomatsu~" I whisper with a soft moan as I toss the shirt aside and he hums "Faster~ Please~" I moan softly as I wrap my arms around his neck again and he hums before kissing me deeply. I moan into his mouth as he thrusts faster.

"You feel so good y/n~" he moans and holds me close to him. I moan softly and bury my face into the shoulder. "You too~ oh~ you feel soo good Osomatsu~" I moan softly and feel my face turn a bright red. I hum softly as he kisses my neck and I moan softly as he licks my soft spot. I felt him smile before he attacks my sweet spot with licks, kisses, and love bites. I hum as he lifts my hips a little and moan out as he hits my g-spot.

"Oh~ there~" I moan softly and he hums before nipping my ear as he continues to hit my g-spot. "Oh~ you're really tightening around my dick~" he moans into my ear and I whine softly "s-sorry ah~" he hums and kisses me softly "oh~ don't apologize~ it feels amazing~" he moans and I grip onto his back with a whine as pressure began to build.

"Ha~ I'm gonna cum~" I moan softly and he chuckles shakily with a groan. "Yeah~ me too~" he moans and leans up to my ear "I can cum inside right?" He asks and I nod with a moan "oh~ yes~ please cum inside me~" I moan softly and he hums before thrusting faster and harder. I bite my lip and moan out as my orgasm approaches quickly. I squeak softly as he grips my hips and moan out as he starts pounding me, his dick ramming into my g-spot.

I moan out and grip the covers with a whine before my back arches. I let out a drawn out moan and tremble as I came. I hear him grunt softly before moaning "oh wow~ you clamped down so hard~" he says with a lustful slur and I could feel his thrusts become sloppy. I pant softly as I came down from my high and moan as Osomatsu continues to thrust roughly.

I gasp when he pushes deep into me and stills inside me with a moan "oh y/n~ I'm cumming~" he moans and I gasp before I threw my head back with whiny moan. I whine and shudder as I feel his cum flow out into me. I feel my eyes roll back and I tremble as I came a second time. He huffs and moans softly before pulling out.

I pant softly and huff as he collapses onto me. I hug him close and he hums before kissing me. "Maybe I should start loaning you my hoodies~" he purrs and I blush before shoving his face. He chuckles softly before taking my hand and kissing the palm of it. "I'm kidding I'm kidding. But seriously if you want to borrow my hoodie, next time just ask."

I blush and smile before hugging him "Thank you." I say softly and he smiles before kissing my cheek. I hum as he lays on his side and pulls me close. I smile and snuggle up to his chest as we fell asleep. I smile as I fell asleep with his sweet scent filling my nose.

That scent mixed with him holding me so close gave me one of the best naps I ever had.

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