A Deadly Mistake (Ichimatsu x reader) Angst

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For kayareaitch

I was walking home after a long day of work until my phone started ringing. I pick it up and before I could even speak. "Y/n, I need you at my place now like right now." I hear Ichimatsu say with urgency in his voice. "Huh? Why? You okay hon?" I ask as my boyfriend seemed really panicked. "I just need you here right now and hurry." He says and hangs up. I was really concerned now so I made my way to the matsuno house.

Upon entering I saw Ichimatsu's and Karamatsu's shoes were the only ones. So I guess everyone else was out. "Ichimatsu. You okay?" I ask and I flinch as he rushes down the hall to me. I saw the panicked look on his face then I saw blood on his hand. "What happened? Are you bleeding? Are you hurt?" I ask as I step forward to take his hand but he pulls it back to wipe it onto his hoodie.

"N-No I'm okay. It's not my blood." He says as he starts walking so I follow him. "What? What do you-" "I messed up y/n...I messed up big time and I don't know what to do." He says with a shaky tone and I realize he was was walking in the direction of the staircase. "You messed up? What do you-Oh my god!" I exclaim and cover my mouth in shock at what I saw.

At the bottom of the staircase was Karamatsu with a large blood stain under the back of his head. He wasn't moving at all and showed no signs of life. I turn to Ichimatsu and saw him bitting his nails. "Ichimatsu What did you do!" I exclaim and he gains a terrified look. "I didn't mean to! I was heading downstairs to go out and get something when he stepped in front of me. He kept talking and talking while it got darker so I was really annoyed with him. In my annoyance I told him to move before shoving him. I didn't mean for him to fall down the stairs."

"But when I went to check if he was okay...I saw blood starting to pool from the back of his head. I just meant to shove him aside I didn't mean to kill him!" He shouts and I hush him "Well we need to call someone." He shook his head and grabs my arms "We can't. We can't. I don't want anyone knowing I did this..I can't..people wouldn't believe it was just a accident..a mistake..I"

"Ichimatsu calm down." I say holding his face and he shuts up as he takes a few shaky breaths. He was scared I could tell. He didn't want people knowing because no one would believe him and he'd get put in jail for who knows how long. I sigh and glance at Karamatsu's body before I gulp nervously. "Okay...You don't want anyone finding out...then how about we bury him and clean up the mess." I say and he nods "I was thinking that but I didn't want you to-" "it's fine and I can help." I say and he nods before we both took a breath.

"Okay...let's bury a body."

Ichimatsu and I were outside staring at the spot in the backyard where we had buried Karamatsu. Ichimatsu was in charge of burying him while I cleaned the blood stain. We were shaking like crazy from what we had just done. Ichimatsu had killed his brother in an accident and I just helped him hide the body. I felt sick to my stomach especially considering he fact Karamatsu was one of my best friends. That's why I had Ichimatsu do the burying.

"T-Thanks y/n." He says shakily and I hum "you're lucky I love you." I say and he nods before hugging me "I am lucky and I'm sorry that you had to see this." He says and I hum before hearing the door open. We flinch and turn to see Choromatsu. "There you two are." He says and we smile "H-Hey Choromatsu." I greet with a wave and he hums.

"Why are you shaking?" He asks and I hum "oh shaking? I didn't even notice. It's probably just cold out." I say before standing up with Ichimatsu. "Let's go inside." I say and he nods before following me. We head to the living room with Choromatsu. We were trying to relax with the others until their mom stepped in with a look of worry.

"Have any of you seen Karamatsu?"

Ichimatsu and I flinch but no one notices. "No, haven't seen him. Why?" Choromatsu asks and their mom sighs. "He said he'd be home all day but he's not here." She says and Osomatsu hums "Maybe he went out." Osomatsu says and she hums "but he's usually back by now...I'm calling his cell." She says and I flinch before turning to Ichimatsu who looked even more nervous.

She picked up the house phone and dialed Karamatsu's number. My heart clenches when his phone rang from upstairs. I saw their mom look confused before hanging up and going upstairs. She came back down with his phone in her hands. "He never leaves without his phone...never." She says with a worried tone and I hum "Maybe he forgot it?" I suggest and she shook her head.

"No...something's wrong." She says and I look at Ichimatsu who sighs. "Maybe..he ran away." He says and everyone turns to him. "He may have ran away to get away from me." He says and everyone hums. "That's possible." Choromatsu says and their mom still looked unsure but sighs before walking away. I felt terrible for not being honest but I just couldn't tell her or anyone what I'd seen.

No one would believe Ichimatsu or me if we told them that it was an accident.

Nothing but a mistake.

A stupid, deadly mistake.

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