Too Far Gone (Matsu Bros x Big Sister! reader) Angst

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For _NxziHxruKxi_

I was walking to see Dr. Dekapan after a concerning doctors visit. I walk in and see him working on something. "Dekapan." I say and he turns around "Oh hello y/n. What can I do for you?" He asks and I look at him with sad eyes "I need your help. You can make anything right? You can probably cure anything right?" I ask and he hums "Well it depends. What's wrong?" He asks and I sigh before explaining. I had gone to the doctor for stomach and heart pain. Turns out I have this "incurable" disease.

Though when I told Dekapan what it was I had his face drops. "I'm..I'm sorry y/n..but I don't have anything for that. There is no way to cure what you have." He says and I fell to my knees, hugging myself. He was my final hope and even he can't do anything. I took a breath and look up at the doctor

"Please don't tell anyone. I don't want anyone to freak out and worry." I say and he sighs before nodding. "I really am sorry y/n." He says and I stood up "'s okay..thanks anyway." I say before smiling and heading back to my apartment.

"What you want to stay here?" My mom says and I nod "I'm having a problem with my apartment and need a place to stay." I say and she smiles "well of course you can stay here. Come on in." She says and I walk into the house. She helps me set my stuff in my room before I head out. "I have to do something." I say and she nods "I'll tell the boys you'll be staying here for a while."

I nod and smile before going to my workplace to talk with Atsushi. I enter the building and rush to find Atsushi. Which wasn't that hard. I pull him to the side and explain the whole situation. The more I explained the more his face filled with concern. When I finished my explanation he was very understanding. "I'm so sorry. That must be terrible."

I nod and he smiles "well you can continue to work but if work starts to get to..stressful let me know and I can send you home okay?" He asks and I smile "okay..thank you Atsushi...and could you not tell Todomatsu..I have my reasons." I say and he smiles "I won't tell him. It is your decision if you want to tell them or not but I really think you should." He says and pats my head before leaving.

I smile before leaving the workplace. When I got home I saw my little brothers all in the living room. I felt a sickening feeling of guilt but shook it off and went to the living room. "Hey guys." I greet and they turn to me with smiles before each of them move to hug me. I smile and hug each of them back.

I wasn't going to tell them because I didn't want there final memories of me to be sad.

So I made sure to spend time with each of my brothers and some days I would spend time with all of them. I was trying to fill their minds with happy memories. We went to festivals, we went to the movies, the beach, I went to a few concerts with Choromatsu. We went to a lot of places but sometimes we would just chill at home together.

Today was one of those days where we were chilling at home. I was sitting at the table talking with my brothers. While talking I cough lightly into my hand and froze. I pull my hand back making sure my brothers didn't see. My breath hitches when I saw blood on the palm of my hand. I got up and excuse myself to wipe my hand off before returning.

But when I entered the room I went into a coughing fit. My brothers turn to me "You okay y/n?" Osomatsu asks and I nod while still coughing "I'm f-fine. I just-" I cut off with a gag like cough before blood splatters out onto my hand. Some of it dripping off my hand onto the floor. I saw my brothers stare at me with horrified looks before I collapse onto my hands and knees.

Tears left my eyes as I continue to cough up blood. I whimper in pain before I felt a hand on my shoulder. "Choromatsu call an ambulance!" Karamatsu shouts as he lightly rubs my back hoping it would help some way. I was panting heavily before my eyes roll back and I black out.

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