We love you 🍋(Girlymatsus x reader) Lemon

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For nscott144
Hope this is alright

Today has been the worst. Sure it started off fine but it slowly went downhill. It all started when I brought Osoko some coffee as she had worked all last night and was still doing paperwork. I ended up tripping and split the coffee. All over her paperwork. She told me to leave with a hefty sigh and I left with an apology. Then I messed up Karako's workout routine. I had accidentally scared Jyushiko and as a result messed up her makeup. Both Karako and Jyushiko assured me they weren't angry.

Then as I was tidying up their rooms and got to Ichiko's I knocked over her porcelain cat figurine. It instantly broke and I was frozen in place as Ichiko had come in right at that moment. Again Ichiko assured me she wasn't mad and how she could just by another one. Then there was an incident of me reading Choroko's journal. I didn't even read that much as I accidentally grabbed it when I was looking for a manga to read but Choroko saw. She was embarrassed as she snatched it back and put it back in its place.

This all ended with Todoko. We had gone to the mall and she had bought some new clothes. When we taking a break I set them down on the fountain but to close to the edge. The bags fell off into the water which led to us having to retrieve them. She was silent until we got back home.

"Todoko are you mad?" I ask and she just hums, not really giving an answer, and I drop my head as I rub my arm. "Sorry...I didn't mean to-" "it's fine. I'll just have to put them in the dryer now." She says before walking away and I walk to my room with teary eyes. As I walk to my room Karako saw me "Oh Hey y/n, you're back. How was-" "don't talk to me. I want to be alone." I say before walking into my room and shut the door.

I walk over to my bed and collapse on my bed. I bury my face into my pillow as I cry softly. I hate how clumsy I was and I knew it was annoying. My girlfriends all probably saw me as a burden because of it. I stay in my room till dinner rolled around. I hear a knock on my door and hear Jyushiko "y/n! Osoko made dinner!" She says and I push my face further into my pillow.

"I'm not hungry." I call back and she hums "not hungry? Is something wrong y/n?" She asks and I sigh "nothing's wrong. I'm just not hungry." I say and sigh as my door opens "did something happen?" She asks and I glance at her "What's wrong?" She asks sitting on the bed. "...everything." I say and she hums "everything's wrong. I've done nothing but mess up all day." I say and she hums

"Oh...y/n you know I'm not mad. Neither are they." She says and I glance away but tense as her hands lay on my sides. "We would never be mad at you hon." She says softly as she rubs my sides. She starts to tickle my sides and I squirm "stop it that tickles!" I shout and she continues. I laugh softly and turn over to try and push her away. She keeps tickling me while I laugh up a storm.

When she finally stops I was panting to catch my breath. I look up at her and she smiles before kissing my cheek. "I'll let you catch your breath. Please come out to eat." She says before leaving my room. I smile softly and sat up. I took a breath and walk out of my room to join my girlfriends for dinner.

After dinner I was washing the dishes and blush when arms wrap around my waist. I glance back to see Osoko. "Jyushiko told us that you were upset." She says and I blush as she kisses from my cheek down to my neck. "How could you think we were mad at you?" She asks and I went to speak but moan softly as she found my soft spot. "Clearly you need a reminder of how much we love you~"

I blush harder and whine as she reaches a hand lower to rub my pussy through the fabric of my pants. I moan softly and grind against her hand. "O-Osoko~" I moan softly and she hums before slipping her hand into my pants and underwear. I moan and shudder as she rubs my slit. "Oh wow~ someone's getting turned on~" she purrs and nips at my ear.

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