The Miracle (Karamatsu x reader)

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For SnowflakesSunsets
I hope this was okay😅

I walk out of the bathroom to see Karamatsu pacing anxiously. When he saw me he turns to me with a hopeful look. I shook my head and drop my head "it came back negative...again." I say with a broken voice and Karamatsu sighs before walking up to me. "Okay that's it. We're going to a doctor to see what's wrong." He says and I nod "that's a good idea." I say and he hums before kissing my forehead. "We'll keep trying." He says softly while rubbing my back.

And so we went to the doctor the next day. Both of us went through testing to see where the issue was. You see Karamatsu and I were married about 6 months ago. Recently we decided to try for a baby. Both of us were eager for a child and wanted one so badly. But we were having some trouble conceiving so now we were getting tests done to see what the hold up was.

When the results came the doctor assured that Karamatsu was perfectly healthy and fertile but then he got to my results. My heart dropped when I discovered that I was the infertile one. I went silent and remained silent throughout the rest of that conversation between Karamatsu and the doctor. I didn't say a word until we got home.

I sat on the couch and my head drops. Karamatsu crouches down in front of me "'s gonna be alright." He says and I let out a shaky breath before sobbing softly. "It's not alright though...we wanted a baby so want a baby so bad and I can't give you's the worse." I sob out and Karamatsu sighs before pulling me into a hug.

"It's okay...yes I want a was a dream of mine to have a child of our own...but it's okay..these things can happen and we can find another way..just know this isn't your fault." He says and I bury my face into his shoulder as I cry.

-2 months later-

I was sitting at the dining room table researching adoption when I hear the door slam open. "Y/n! Love! Where are you?!" Karamatsu shouts startling me "in the kitchen. What's wrong?" I call out and I hear his footsteps rush over. I look back to my computer as I continue researching. "Y/n you will not believe what I found!" He says and I sigh "I swear if it's another animal." I mumble and turn my head.

My eyes widen when I saw a baby in his arms. "Karamatsu! What the He-" "I was walking home from work and halfway through my walk this little guy was following me. He wouldn't stop following me so I picked him up and he immediately clung onto me." He says and I stare at him "So you took him? Karamatsu this could be someone's baby we can't-" I shut up as the baby reaches out to me cooing softly.

I stare at him with soften eyes "we..we shouldn't..we can't just.." I trail off as I reach my hand out and the baby wraps his tiny hand around my index finger. I shook my head and look at Karamatsu "Karamatsu-" "Y/n. We can't have our own child and I think this little one is meant to be ours. I know it sounds crazy but look at him. Take a real good look." He says and I sigh before looking at the baby.

I hum and tilt my head when I realize that he had Karamatsu's face. "Oh...that's weird but that doesn't mean" I shut up with a saw Karamatsu with a pleading face and I sigh. "Okay but if someone comes looking for him we have to give him back." I say and he nods "of course." He says before hugging the baby.

It's been a while since we took the baby in our care and no one has came looking for him. Karamatsu was happy as he really wanted to keep the baby but I didn't want to get my hopes up. I mean this was too good to be true. At the moment I was watching Karamatsu as he lay on the floor with the baby laying down in front of him.

Then I hear him cooing at the baby "aw you're so cute Ren~" I look at him with narrowed eyes "Karamatsu." I say with a low tone and he hums "did you give the baby that name?" I ask and he hums "Uh...yeah." He says with a nervous look "damn it can't name him. You'll become more attached." I say and he hums before sitting up and pulling the baby into his arms.

"But y/n, no one has claimed him. I thought that we could just adopt him." He says and I glance away "y/n, how long will it take for you to realize that this baby is meant to be ours. He is our little miracle and-" "He's not ours Karamatsu!" I shout as I stood up with tears welling in my eyes. "He may look like you but he isn't ours!" I cry out before wiping my tears away.

Karamatsu sighs and got up with the baby to hug me. "Y/n...I'm sorry..I know that you're still hurting but I truly think this baby was meant to be ours." He says and I sniffle before laying my head on his shoulder. Karamatsu sighs and kisses my forehead as he rubs my back. I hum when I feel a tiny hand on my cheek. I look down to see the baby with a sad face as he coos.

"Mama. no cry."

I was shocked and stare at the baby along with Karamatsu. Karamatsu smiles and chuckles "looks like he sees you as a mother my dear." He says and I smile softly before taking..Ren's hand in mine. "I guess he does." I say softly before kissing the baby's forehead. The baby giggles softly and coos before I pull him between Karamatsu and I. I hug Karamatsu with the smiling baby between us.

Karamatsu was right.

Ren really was our miracle child.

A truly amazing gift from above.

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