Todd Pinefield x Chubby! reader

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For SheBunnies18

I was sitting on my bed in my dorm crying my eyes out. My life was not going well at the moment. When I first started college I was so excited especially since I had my boyfriend by my side. I was a good student and was always on time. I loved the classes I had and I love the school I was at...but then the bullying started.

You see I am not the thinnest girl but I'm not fat in the slightest. I'm just a little chubby. However this group of mean girls didn't see it that way. They would always either mutter behind my back about my weight and body or they would straight up make fun of me. They have called me many things. It hurt the most when they'd say I'm nothing but a fat, disgusting pig.

Though the reason I was crying was because of my boyfriend. 2 years we had been together and when I went to his dorm to finally talk about what was going on. I saw him on the couch naked with one of the mean girls riding him. I was so shocked before yelling at him. He yelled back and we had this huge fight that ended with him dumping me.

He left me for the mean girl and as a result became one of my bullies. The worst thing is that he told me that he wouldn't have done what he did if I just took the initiative and had sex with him. My heart broke when he told me that. I was heartbroken because he knew very well that I was a virgin and wouldn't be ready for that for a while.

So yeah that's why I was crying my eyes out. I stop when I hear knocking on the door. I open it to see Todd Pinefield. He was in my physics class and was a good friend of mine. "Hey...You okay?" He asks and I glance down. "You want to talk about it?" He asks and I nod before letting him in. I lead him to my room and sat on my bed with him beside me. "So..What's going on? You haven't been your happy self lately."

I sigh and drop my head "I...My boyfriend...I caught him cheating on me." I say and he went silent. I hum as he held my hand and turn to him. "I want you to tell me everything." He says and I hum before I sigh. After I gave a nod I told him everything. I saw that he was keeping a calm, straight face as I explained and when I finish I had tears forming again.

I blush as Todd wipes my tears away before he hugs me. "You're beautiful y/n, you hear me. You are absolutely beautiful." He says softly and I blush "and your boyfriend is an ass. Those girls are a bunch of bitches." He says and I giggle softly before hugging him tightly. "Your boyfriend is a dick for saying that by the way. Especially if he knew you weren't comfortable with that."

I smile softly and push my face into his shoulder. "You going to be okay?" He asks and I pull back with a smile before looking in his eyes. I blush softly and glance away "um..Todd..would you..would you like to go out sometime?" I ask and he blushes before nodding eagerly. I smile and hug him tightly again. He hugs me back and I smile as he lightly nudges my face with his.

From that Todd and I started dating. While I was dating him all the mean things those girls(and my boyfriend) would say would go over my head. With Todd I felt what real love felt like. He was a kind gentleman who was there for me even when I was at my worse. I really loved Todd and knew I trusted him.

So after 3 years of dating I was ready and gave him my virginity. I'm so glad I waited and after that day Todd and I became closer. After graduating college we moved in together and it was the greatest.

A year after that Todd proposed and I gave a happy, enthusiastic "Yes!" and we were married a month later.

A few more years passed and I was the boss of a rather big company. I was sitting in my office in my chair. I was facing the windows and held a photo of me and Todd before setting it back on my desk. I hum and lay a gentle hand on my belly. Todd and I were currently expecting our first child. I hum as the door opens and hear my secretary.

"Ma'am, this lady is here for an interview." She says and I nod with a hum. "Okay. Send her in." I say and turn around with a huff. I scoot forward a bit and decided to sign a document real quick before she came in. When the door opens again I look up and was surprised to see Stacey...the girl who bullied me and stole my first boyfriend.

She didn't seem to recognize me at first. Until we started talking and I asked what school she went to. She said the same school I went to and I hum before turning to look at her. "You don't remember me do you?" I ask and she hums " I?" She asks and I hum "Well I guess I have changed a bit" I say as I glance down at her resume " I still look like a pig?"

I glance back up with narrowed eyes and she went pale as a ghost. "Y-Y/n? N-No way...heh how are you?" She asks nervously and I stood up with a huff. "Hm? Oh and you're pregnant? And judging by that ring...married?" I walk over to her and hold out her resume. "Since I know personally how manipulative and rude you are, I don't think you would be the right person to work in my establishment." I say making sure to put emphasis that this was my company.

She went silent and drops her head in defeat. "R-Right...I'll just go." She says and gets up to leave. I walk to the door and open it for her. I guess I shouldn't be surprised to see my ex there. Stacey walks up to him with her head down and I gave him a glare. His eyes widen and both of them leave with their tails between their legs. I sigh and hum as arms wrap around my waist.

I turn my head and smile when I saw my husband. "Hey sweetheart, ready to go out for lunch?" He asks and I nod before shutting the door. "This little one has me craving yakisoba." I say and he smiles before taking my hand in his as we head to the elevator. "Oh and you will not believe who came for an interview today." I say and he hums "I can't wait to hear about it but let's get my wife something to eat." He coos and kisses me softly.

Yep I'm glad that I started dating Todd.

He is the best thing that's ever happened to me and he's given me the life I've always dreamed of having.

And I'm glad that he's a part of it instead of my ex.

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