Suicidal! Karamatsu x Penpal! Reader Angst

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For SoulStealerAsuna

Karamatsu was walking down the street heading towards the city bridge. His brothers had been really cruel today and his depression was hitting harder so he was heading to the bridge. He hadn't left a note because no one would even care that he was gone. No one would notice. No one loved him. That's truthfully how he felt until he was stopped by a lady with a flyer.

"Excuse me sir! But would you be interested in our Penpal Project!" She asks with an enthusiastic voice and smile. "Penpal Project?" He asks and she nods "I would just give you this flyer, you go to the website, and after a quick survey you'll be paired with a Penpal. Doesn't that sound fun?" She asks and he hums "...yeah I guess." He says and she hums "soo would you like to try it out?"

-Karamatsu's POV-

"I can't believe I said yes." I mumble as I was on the website filling out the survey. "As if I'd be paired with anyone...even if I was they probably wouldn't even write back..not that I'd blame them." I mumble and hum when I saw had gotten paired with someone. A girl my age who lived (state name). I saw she had a few similar interests with me.

I say and went to grab some paper and an envelope. I sat back down and started to write.

Hello y/n, that's a nice name, my name is Karamatsu Matsuno and I guess I'm your Penpal. I live in Akatsuka Japan which is pretty far from where you are. Anyway, I saw one of your interests was music so what kind of music do you like? Do you play any instruments?

-Karamatsu Matsuno

I sighed when I read the letter before folding it up and placing it into the envelope. After addressing the envelope I drop it into our mailbox before heading back inside. She's not gonna respond idiot...why even try? No one cares about you. His thoughts scream at him and he sighs before going back inside to go upstairs.

After a week I forgot about my Penpal until I got a letter in the mail addressed to me. I quickly grab it before any of my brothers could see and went somewhere private in the house to read it.

Hi Karamatsu, my name is y/n l/n. You have a pretty nice name too. I live in (state name) so yeah it's pretty far from you. Anyway, to answer your questions, I love all types of music genres so it's hard to choose one. I play three instruments actually violin, piano, and guitar. Now it's my turn to ask questions; do you like animals? (If so do you have a favorite) and what's it like in Japan?

-y/n l/n

I was so shocked. She had written back. I reread the letter twice and smile. "She has quite beautiful hand writing." He says softly before he starts to write a response. He was now more excited to respond since it was clear she was at least interested to talk.

Hello again y/n, it's nice to know you like so many genres and I find it funny that you can't choose. I am also impressed that you can play three instruments as I myself only play the guitar. To answer your questions; I love animals as they are quite magnificent but if I had to pick a favorite I would have to pick either wolves or tigers as they are pretty cool. But if we're talking domestic animals I really like dogs. As for how Japan is, it's a wonderful place to live. The parks are beautiful and there are a lot of amazing sights to see.

I'm excited to hear back from you,
Karamatsu Matsuno.

As soon as I sent that letter we kept sending letters back and forth. I learned a lot about her interests and her life but if she asked about me I would be either vague or I wouldn't mention it at all when I wrote her back. I did mention the fact of my depression and vaguely said how I was being bullied but never mentioned who did it. When I wrote that she immediately sent her sympathy in the form of a long letter.

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