💧Hold On💧

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This one-shot is based off "Hold On" by Chord Overstreet. It's a really good song, one of my favourites, (Kinda sad tho-) and I highly recommend!
Also, all the crooked/angeled text lyrics of the song.

Ships: Lander
Genre: Angst

Trigger Warning:

Self Harm


Loving and fighting

"Zander, stop it!" Luke exclaimed, giggling as his ombre haired boyfriend tackled him to the sandy beach.

"Remeber when we went to the beach as kids, you did this to me all the time! I'm just getting my revenge!" Zander exclaimed, as Luke patted his head.

"Okay, fair enough." Th ginger boy sighed, looking out at the waves crashing against the shore, before turning back to his childhood friend and lover's violet eyes. " I love you, Zander."

Accusing, denying

"What is wrong with you!? 23 years of my life wasted on you!" Luke shouted, digging his finger nails into his head in frustration.

"I didn't cheat on you! I was just having coffee with my co-worker! Please, just believe me!" Zander said, his tone going from anger to desperate. "Can I not have guy friends? I mean, don't pretend you don't get all flirty and dressed up everytime Jake comes over!"

"Oh, so know you're accusing me of cheating? From what I saw, you two were doing a lot more than just drinking coffee!" Luke yelled, shooting a menacing glare at his boyfriend.

"Please, Lukey! I'd never cheat on you..." Zander said, slightly smiling as the tears rolled down his cheeks.

"I just... Can't deal with this right now..." Luke said, raking his fingers through his orange hair, before grabbing his phone, wallet, and heading for the door, Zander shouting his name the entire way.

I can't imagine a world with you gone

Luke had a nightmare. It was basically just his normal life, but Zander didn't exist. You wouldn't think it would have an impact, but every single feeling of love, all the millions of memories with Zander, they were just wiped away.

His entire world just... Crumbled. he needed Zander. He couldn't live without him.

The joy and the chaos

"It's a promise ring." 9 year old Zander explained, slipping the ring onto Luke's ring finger, then flashing the latter his own. "A promise that we'll be together, no matter what!"

"I like that promise! I will keep it!" Luke said, his eyes sparkling was amazement as he looked at the silver ring on his finger. "I'll keep it for all of my life!"

The demons we're made of

"I can't..." Luke muttered, reaching for the promise ring Zander had given him years earlier. Miraculously, it still fit.

"Luke, we're just hitting a rough patch in our relationship. We overcame it last time, remember? We've overcome every obstacle before, we can do it again! Together!" Zander said, splattering on his fake smile, reaching for Luke's hand as tears fell from both boy's eyes.

"I-I can't..." Luke said, pulling off the ring. He took Zander's hand, opened his palm, and placed the ring in it. "I can't love you... It's too hard..." He said softly, only causing Zander to cry harder. "I'm sorry I couldn't keep your promise..."

I'd be so lost if you left me alone

Luke walked away from Zander's house, the house that was his only moments earlier. Rain pattered against his back, as he could barely see with the dim street lights.

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