💤 Lazy Sunday💤

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Ships: Lander
Genre: Fluff


"Zander..." Zander woke up to the sound of his name. He looked to the direction the sound came from to see his boyfriend tangled in the sheets with a goofy smile on his face.

Zander sighed as he looked at the boy, a smile and layer of blush came to his face as he stroked the side of Luke's face.

"Wait." Zander said out loud. "What am I doing, we just had that huge fight last night." He thought to himself.

Zander looked into the mirror that was sitting across from the bed. He stood up and walked in front of it. He was wearing one of Luke's shirt, that looked giant on him.

"I love you Zandy~" Zander darted his head around to see Luke wiggling around, only tangling himself more into the sheets.

"What are you dreaming about." Zander muttered as he crawled onto the bed next to the orange-haired boy. "I love you too, Dummy..." Zander trailed off before coming to a realization. "I thought I told you to sleep on the couch."

"I know, but the couch was uncomfortable. Plus, I wanted cuddles." I familiar set of golden eyes fluttered open as Zander jumped back, slightly startled.

"How long have you been up?" He asked, rather annoyed.

"Since you said 'I love you'." Luke smirked as he stretched out his arms.

"Whatever..." Zander mumbled as he crossed his arms and sat on the edge. "Hey... I'm really sorry about... y'know, last night. I was being selfish. Your school should be the most important thing in your life right now, I don't know why I was so mad that you were studying so much."

A few seconds of silence passed before something grabbed Zander's arm and pulled him down onto the bed. Zander could feel Luke's breath on his ear. "You're the most important thing in my life." Luke's voice was hushed into a whisper.

"Okay, no need to get all sappy. I'll make breakfast." Zander said as he sat up, however Luke didn't let go of his arm.

"No." Luke said as Zander turned around to look at him.

"What do you mean, 'no'?!"

"It's Sunday, and I finished all my homework. Come and cuddle with me." Luke said, looking up at his boyfriend.

"Fine." Zander sighed as he crawled back into bed. He cuddled up next to Luke as the yellow eyed boys arms wrapped around him.

"I love you." Luke said, giving Zander's forehead a kiss.

"I know, Puppy." Zander said as he buried his face into Luke's shoulder. "I love you too."

The pair cuddled in silence for about ten minutes before Luke spoke up. "I'm gonna marry you one day." He said suddenly, slightly flustering Zander.

"What?" Zander laughed, looking up at him.

"One day, when we're done college, I'm gonna marry you, Whether you like it or not." Luke said, stuffing his face into Zander's hair.

"Well, I'm excited for that day." Zander said simply as he shifted around in Luke's arm. "Where do you see yourself in ten years?" He asked, returning the random question

Luke pulled his head away and looked into Zander's deep violet eyes. Luke raised an eyebrow before sighing and looking at their apartment ceiling.

"Well, let's see... The entire old music club is at my house. Some of them are having a conversation on our deck, while Hailey and Jake are helping me make hamburgers. Suddenly, someone wraps their arms around my neck from behind. I turn around and it's my adorable husband smiling at me. Next to him is my four year old adopted son. My son goes off to play with the others kids, while my husband is holding something behind his back. He pulls out a red rose and hands it to me, while telling me how much he loves me." Luke finishes, as Zander raised his eyebrow.

"Oh really, and who's this mysterious husband of yours?" Zander said while playfully poking Luke's chest.

"Well, he's super handsome. He's my dream husband, and I'd do anything for him." Luke replies slyly while biting his lip.

"Oh really... What's his name?" Zander replies, leaning closer to Luke.

"His name..." Luke says, leaning closer to Zander so that their faces were only inches apart. "Is Justin Bieber."

"I hate you." Zander mutters before pulling out of Luke's grasp and rolling to the other side of the bed so that's he's facing the wall while pouting.

"Kidding." Luke says as a pair of arms wraps around Zander. "I'd only marry him if you left me. Which, I hope will never happen." Luke says as Zander rolls his eyes.

Zander turns back around and gives Luke a quick kiss before snuggling back into him.

"I want another one." Luke whined as he held Zander's waist.

"No." Zander said quickly.

"Pleeeaaaase." Zander looked up to see Luke giving him puppy-dog eyes. "For your Puppy?~"

Zander sighed before leaning up and giving Luke a kiss. Zander slid his one of his arms around Luke's neck, the other one in his hair. Luke pulled Zander closer to him before rolling on top of him, being careful not to hurt him. After a while, they both pulled away, panting for air.

Luke smirked down at Zander while leaning down and pressing their foreheads together.

"So... Let me get this straight. Last night, you were seconds away from killing me, yet you went to bed wearing my shirt?"

"Well, you were supposed to sleep on the couch. And I missed you... so..." Zander trailed off at he looked back up at Luke. "I missed my Puppy." Luke smiled before leaning down and giving Zander a quick peck.

Luke crawled off Zander and collapsed down next to him. The two of them stared at the ceiling for a while. "I love you." Luke sighed as he titled his head sideways and rested it on Zander's.

"I love you." Zander murmured as he breathed it, the fresh strawberry scent of Luke's shampoo invading the air.

"My Puppy."

Luke chuckled, placing a gentle kiss onto his lover's forehead.


Credits to Just_Pottassium for that last line I added-

I personally thought this one was adorable🥺🥺🥺

I think this is one my personal favs out of all the ones I've written <333

Tysm for all your support, and all you fans for sticking through me and my terrible writing :,)

Until next time, bye!!

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