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Ships: Lander
Genre: Fluff, Slight Angst


August 9th, 2010

Dear Diary,

Daddy left.
He and Mommy were fighting all night, and then he just left.
Mommy said it was for the best, but I'm still sad.
I'm gonna miss Daddy. I hope he'll come back soon!
I wonder where he went?

September 12st, 2010

Dear Diary,

I started my new school today.
Mommy made us move after Daddy left.
Most kids started a couple of weeks ago, so I was the new kid.
I didn't think anyone would want to be friends with me. But then someone sat next to me! His name is Luke, he even asked if I wanted to play tag with him and his friends at recess!
He's so nice, my first friend!

September 1st, 2015

Dear Diary,

The first day of middle school was Hell. On top of school, my Mom started dating Micahel. He seems nice, but I liked it when it was just me and my mom. Michael's over all the time now.
At school, I met this kid, Drew, and I already hate him. He saw me reading a book on the history of classical music, and now he's calling me "Music Freak".
Luke stood up for me, though!
Luke's still my only friend. But I'm okay with that. He's all I need.
He's all I'll ever need.

January 2nd, 2016

Dear Diary,

A lot happened yesterday.
Luke came over to watch the fireworks, but so did Michael and his daughter, Hailey.
Micahel proposed to my mom, right in front of me and Luke. My mom said yes.
I was shocked. Now, I don't really like Michael. Sure, he's nice, whatever, but once my mom gets married to him she'll start paying less and less attention to me. What if she starts favouring Hailey?
At least I'll have Luke.

Speaking of Luke, something really weird happened when we were watching the fireworks yesterday. I look over at Luke, and he was staring right at me. Then he smiled.
He just smiled.
Then, I got this weird, fuzzy, yet sickening feeling. It was like something was floating around in my gut.
And then my heart started beating so fast. I don't know why. It was almost like the whole world just stopped, and it was just me and Luke.
Is this just something that happens when you really care about someone?
Maybe it was just the fact Michael had proposed to my mom. It probably weirded me out. That's all, right?
What's happening to me?

July 25th, 2016

Dear Diary,

Micahel and Mom got married today. He and Hailey moved in a while ago. To be honest, they're actually kind of growing on me. They both seem super nice.
Maybe this won't be so bad.

October 19th, 2016

Dear Diary,

We started a band! Hailey, Luke and I!
I'm the pianist, Luke is the drummer, and Hailey is the singer/guitarist.
I'm really looking forward to this! I think it'll be fun.

February 17th, 2017

Dear Diary,


What have I done?! I've put our entire friendship at stake here!
I fell in love with Luke.
Drew was making fun of me, as usual, and I was getting really mad. Luke could tell, because he just grabbed my hand, looked at me with that adorable grin, and whispered, "It'll be alright".
And then, it's like that feeling I got on New Years last year, except ten times more intense.
That's beside the point!
What if he finds out?! And doesn't want to be friends with me anymore?!
I've never liked anyone before... Luke is my first crush, first love, I'm risking our precious years of friendship here!
I can never let him find out. Ever.
He'll never feel the same way.
He has no idea, and I'm gonna do everything I can to keep it that way.

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