🌻Sunflower Field🌻

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Ships: Lander
Genre: Fluff


Zander stared down at the circle of sunflowers, folding together two final stems, knotting together the last two flowers.

Content with the result of the crown, he let out a soft squeal, standing up to go show his fiance.

He saw the auburn-haired boy in the distance, barely distinguishable due to the large flowers hanging over him. Zander smiled, running through the field.

As he approached his golden-eyed lover, he slowed down, prepared to greet Luke with a cuddle-attack -As Zander called them-, he was successful, tackling Luke to the ground, as he greeted his soon-to-be-husband with dozens of small kisses on the back of his head. The two of them created dents in the field, creating a space for them to shift around.

Luke rolled onto his back, as Zander straddled his waist, grinning down at him, his periwinkle eyes gleaming with enthusiasm.

"Hey, Darling. Where were you?" Luke asked, his hands finding their way onto the ombre-haired boy's face.

"Making you this!" Zander beamed, reaching for the sunflower crown that sat beside him. He placed it onto his lover's head, adjusting it so it was perfectly even.

"Oh, Baby!" Luke exclaimed, his tone filled with gratitude, "It's gorgeous!" He lifted one of his hands to touch the crown, slightly pushing it to the left, "Thank you!"

Zander returned his smile, softly stroking Luke's face, before placing a gentle kiss onto the taller boy's cheek.

Luke averted his gaze towards the sunset, Zander's eyes following.

The view was breathtaking. The light orange sun shimmered over the thousands of sunflowers, its golden sky fading into a slightly darker tint. You could faintly see several stars, prepared to greet the field with their shining, radiant lambency.

Luke folded his arms around Zander's waist, pulling his body onto the ginger's chest. He allowed his eyelids to fall, nuzzling his face into the familiar sleek, velvety lilac curls of his beloved.

Zander smiled, cuddling his head into Luke's neck, letting out a soft giggle, as his fingers found a way to entwine themselves with those of his fiance.

"Oh, Alexzander Wickham..." Luke sighed, slightly cranking his neck up to allow his gaze to melt into the gorgeous sight of the coral sky, "The Romeo of my life... My one and only, words can't express how excited I am to be able to call you my husband."

Zander laughed, his eyes still closed, as the warmth of his lover's embrace and the sunlight absorbed him, "Only a couple more months, love."

Silence filled the air, with the exception of the soft wind blowing against the plants.

Eventually, the sun sank, taking it's peachy colours with it, allowing the sky to be taken over by a giant, pale glowing orb, its army of glistening stars, and a musky dusk, sheeting over the twilight sky, until dawn, when the sun would yet again light up the city with its sheening beauty.

The young couple lay soundlessly, entrapped in each other's grasp, resting in the soft bed of sunflowers.


Hey guys! So, this is one of my submissions for Rosy's V-Day contest! (My other submission was Druke, so I can't post that here-)
I'm also a judge in the contest, so that's super fun reading all the other fanfics!

I hope you guys enjoyed! I really enjoy fluff these days!

Until next time, baii!

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