💔If Only💔

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Ships: Druke, One-sided Lander
Genre: Angst


Drew pushed the school doors open, entering the building, a rare feeling of confidence rushing through his veins.

Today was the day. He was going to confess to Luke.

Oh, Luke. Sweet, innocent Luke. The boy Drew had been head over heels for since being paired with him in a project several years prior.

The chances of existing were so low, next to impossible. Yet, Drew felt so blessed, considering how auspicious and lucky he was to have the chance to get to know such an ecstatic and heart-warming being like the auburn-haired drummer.

The irritating, familiar sound of the school bell pierced through Drew's ears, imposing back into reality.

The students scattered out of the hall to get to their classes, clearing it as Drew was left alone with what appeared to be an endless row of lockers.

Him and Luke had free period, and he assumed his golden-eyed crush would be in the music room, as usual. Drew shuffled his feet, regaining his confidence as a sly smirk fell onto his face. He turned up the volume of his phone, the echo of the song "Symphony" ringing from his airpods.

Minutes later, Drew found himself face to face with a large wooden door, a poster with the words "Music Club" imprinted on the front.

He tilted his head, glancing through the small creak in the door. Upon doing so, his heart skipped a beat, seeing Luke's bright smile sent butterflies to his stomach every time.

Drew took a deep breath, composing himself, before mustering the courage to open the door.

Luke turned his head to the sound, making direct eye contact with the shorter boy, who quickly melted at the sight of his favourite butterscotch eyes.

"Oh, Drew," Luke's iconic smile grew a bit brighter, as his fingers let out a small wave, "What are you doing here?"

Just like that, all the confidence he had before was sucked out of him, "U-uhm..." He stumbled over his own words.

"Are you okay?" Luke faltered, taking a few steps so he was in front of the magenta-haired boy. He reached out his arm, however Drew was quick to pull away.

"Y-yeah!" He exclaimed, raking a finger through his hair, as he constantly did when he was stressed or relieved.

He was stressed.

Luke's expression seemed unconvinced, his frequent smile melted into a worried frown, "Are you sure? You can talk to me. I won't tell anyone anything," The ginger boy said, his tone soft as concern filled his honey eyes.

"This is it," Drew thought to himself. "The moment I've been waiting for for years now. It's happening."

"I..." Drew stared at Luke, who was tilting his head in curiosity. The brown-eyed boy's lips parted, however it was a few short seconds before any sound escaped, "I'm in love with you."

Luke didn't respond. For a while, he just stared at Drew, blinking down at him, any emotion on his face aside from pure shock unreadable.

Drew didn't want to say anything to break the moment, so he allowed Luke to ponder with his thoughts for as long as he needed.

The smaller boy's gaze averted to the floor, his eyes scanning the indigo carpet, anticipating the worst response. However, much to both his joy and surprise, he was greeted by two warm arms holding around him.

Drew froze up, before slowly hugging the auburn-haired male back. "What does this mean...?" Drew hesitated, letting in a large inhale, as the ratifying smell of wood took over his senses.

He felt Luke snuggle his head further into Drew's shoulder, a feeling that left the affluent boy absolutely euphoric,

"I love you too..." Luke's tone was hushed into a whisper, as his grip around Drew's body tightened. "I have since that project in middle school, when we were assigned together. I fell in love with you."

Drew's smile grew wider, if possible, as he turned his head, nuzzling Luke's neck, as he placed a series of soft pecks onto the other boy's cheek.

They were both so enraptured in the situation, they didn't realize the pair of periwinkle eyes giving them an ice-cold glare.

A single tear fell down Zander's face, fighting hard not to break down into sobs. Venom and betrayal locked in his gaze, as he watched his childhood best friend and crush cradle his worst enemy from the crack in the door.

He looked down at his hands, seeing the red rose in one, and the heart-decorated envelope titled "Luke" in the other.

The red rose softly hit the floor, releasing one of his petals, as Zander's grip on the letter tightened. Increasing water stains dropped onto the paper, as Zander muttered a low sentence between his silent weeps.

"If only I had been sooner..."


This chapter was previously "Wedding Day". Since I generally didn't like that one-shot, and I made this into a Lander one-shot book, I changed it to this.

Wedding Day was definitely my worst one-shot, and I re-read it and simply cringed-

I know this probably isn't better since it's Druke and it's angst, but WhAtEvEr-

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