💔Don't Go...💔

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Genre: Angst



The deafening sound of the gun fired through the halls, echoing across the almost empty school.

Luke, keeping his eyes squinted shut, waited for the pain to arrive.

But it never did.

He slowly opened his eyes, before something collapsed onto him. Zander.

The ombré-haired boys limp body fell onto his childhood friend's, why did he feel so much heavier?

Because he was dead. Lifeless. Gone. His last words said, his last breath finished. The precious gift of life robbed from him.

With it, the one true love of the golden-eyed boy he had taken the bullet for taken away forever.

Pupils dilated, a certain shock and panic brimming his teary eyes as he stared down at Zander's motionless body in his arms. Blood seeping out from the shorter boy's chest, jaw slightly swung open, his violet eyes open, yet not blinking.

Luke glanced back up at the shooter. Cold, sadistic hickory eyes peering through the ski mask, staring back at him. The shooter held the gun up again, aiming the barrel it towards Luke once more. Except this time, Zander wouldn't be there to block it.

Luke quickly moved sideways in a futile attempt to dodge the bullet. He hoisted Zander along with him, making sure to eliminate any chance of Zander taking the hit again.

Although, Luke didn't move enough, because as soon as he heard the gunshot, he felt a sharp, unbearable pain hit his right shoulder, accompanied by an irritating, loud ringing.

He yelped out in pain, falling down, bringing Zander with him. Instinctively, he brought a hand to his shoulder, keeping his other arm steady around the smaller boy.

Gazing back up at the shooter, him and Luke exchanged a quick glare, before the shooter disappeared around the corner, content with the damage he had done, leaving the two boys alone in the dark hallway of the school.

Luke scooted over to the lockers, pressing Zander against the wall.

"Please..." He whispered, "Don't go. Don't leave me... Please..." The pain on his arm was excruciating, to the extent he couldn't move it. With his opposing arm, he grabbed Zander's cold hand in his own bloody, shaky one. He brought it up to his face, softly kissing the knuckles, "Zander, please..." He whispered, tears trickling down his face, from both the immense pain on his arm and the heartbroken sight of his childhood friend.

"I know you're still there..." Luke murmured, bringing his hand up to cup Zander's cheek. At that point, a puddle of their blood, mostly Zander's, had pooled around them, drenching both their clothes. "Just hang in there... Okay? You're gonna be okay..." Deep down, he knew there was no hope in Zander being revived. Surviving a shot to the lungs was merely impossible, let out someone with such a weak form as the mauve-haired boy.

Luke pressed his face against Zander's neck. The warmth his body once held gone, replaced by nothing but a cold, icy corpse. Luke felt no pulse, though that didn't come as a surprise to him. "Please don't go... Why did you take that bullet for me? Don't go..." His shoulder was bleeding a dangerous amount, and he could feel his eyelids growing heavy. Still, he stayed by Zander's side, leaning against his body. He gazed up at his crush, empty periwinkle eyes staring at him. On the side of Zander's face, shades of blue and red shone onto him through the small window at the end of the hall, along with the sound of sirens, muffled by the ringing. Help had come, but it was too late. Zander was gone, not too long after Luke would be joining him.

"I never got to tell you..." He remembered whispering that phrase, right before it all went black.

"I never got to tell you I love you..."


This one-shot was inspired off one of the character's death scene in the "Gregor The Overlander" series (I won't say which character to avoid giving away spoilers)

Who do you think the shooter is? Because I can assure it's a TMF character 👀

I hope you guys enjoyed!
I know I sure will enjoy drinking your tears- I mean what-

Until next time, bye!!

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