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Ships: Lander
Genre: Fluff


Zander glanced out at the bright orange sun, rising over the large city's horizon. The sky was a mixture of apricot and salmon, the light fuschia clouds dawdled across the morning empyrean.

He sat cradled in his boyfriend's lap on their bed, cuddling into the auburn-haired boy's body, lightly clutching onto Luke's t-shirt, as he could feel the steady rise and fall of his beloved's chest.

Zander admired the gorgeous view from their large apartment window, the sensation of Luke's warm hoodie and his arms wrapped around him gave him a feeling of comfort.

The violet-eyed boy's childhood friend and lover read to himself, "Jonathan Livingston Seagull", by Richard Ball. It was a thin book, but Luke was a rather slow reader. He quietly mumbled the words to himself, as Zander looked up at him lovingly, amusement locking his gaze as his lips slightly parted.

"He's prettier than any sunrise..." Zander thought to himself, smiling as he leaned up and softly kissed Luke's cheek.

His boyfriend looked down at him, his iconic bright grin falling onto his face.

"I love you," Zander mumbled, blinking up at his childhood best friend.

"I love you too, Sunshine," Luke calmly replied. They had said the words to each other thousands of times before, yet the importance of the phrase never vanished.

Zander smiled, the smile that used to be rarely seen, but since beginning to date Luke, it had shown up almost all the time. The truth was, the day earlier, he was on Luke's laptop, and found out the orange-haired boy was shopping for engagement rings.

He was going to propose, and Zander was going to say yes.

"Can you promise me," Zander whispered softly "We'll be together forever?"

His boyfriend beamed back, placing a kiss as soft as snow onto his soon to be fiancé's lips. "Of course we will..." He said, the light from the window reflecting off the side of his face

"We're endgame, Zander..."

♥ ♥ ♥

Sorry it's short! Despite that, I'm quite proud of how it came out! ^^

Not really much to say, except I'm deleting my book, "Earthquake". One of my online friends will be continuing it instead, if you guys want the details, go to the most recent chapter on the book. I'm really sorry about this, but there's a better explanation in the chapter.

I hope you guys enjoyed! Again, sorry it's short! Until next time, baii!

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