🌨Until We Meet Again🌨

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Ships: Lander
Genre: Angst


"I don't understand."

"I'm sorry. It's not your fault, honestly."

"So that's it? We're just... Done?"

Luke's breath was visible, a smoke of white caused by the cold weather. He reached out his hand, one of the thousands of snowflakes falling down fluttering onto it, settling itself onto the soft, velvet fabric of his glove. Immediately after making contact with Luke's hand, the ever so delicate snowflake melted, vanishing from existence, leaving nothing but an empty hand. It had simply disappeared.

Just like any happiness Zander had at that moment.

"I'm sorry, Zan," Luke awkwardly mumbled, his voice slightly trembling, though Zander couldn't tell if that was from the weather, or simply nerves, "I just... Think we need a break."

Finally mustering the courage to look at his boyfriend- or, ex-boyfriend, Zander glanced up, his eyes scanning Luke's face.

His button nose was rosy red, the tint matching his cheeks, presumably from the weather. Fluffy locks of auburn masked his canary eyes, held in place by the crimson beanie he wore.

Though the caramel strands created a bit of an obstacle, Zander was able to lock his eyes onto Luke's. In those honey golden eyes, he could see all the remorse and heartbreak they held. Pools of daffodil yellow, so fragile, so broken.

Throughout his life, Zander never thought he would've seen those eyes, that once radiated so much pure joy and happiness, would look so shattered.

"So..." The ombre-haired boy felt his fists clench, his sharp nails digging into the pale skin on his palms. He felt a certain again grow deep inside of him, one that rooted from utter confusion. It spread like a wildfire, and before he could control it, his entire body had been taken over by frustration, "I don't even get a proper explanation?!" Tears brimmed his lavender eyes, streaking down his face, staining his cheeks, which were peachy from the cold.


Yeah, he was feeling that too.

"I just..." Luke's voice was strained, hesitant, almost, "I'm sorry... I don't have an explanation. I just... Can't..." His usually soothing voice cracked, and Zander could tell he was close to tears.

Despite the wind's loud whistling, and the voices and laughter of the people around them, a silence had filled the air. It wasn't the sweet, comfortable silence that occurred quite often in the earlier months of their relationship. No, this one was tense. Gloomy, Tragic, even. As if they had both sunk out of reality, escaping to their own world. Nothing but their thoughts to accompany them.

Finally, Zander broke it.


By that point, they were both crying.

Taking a step forward, Zander stood in front of Luke. Their jackets brushed together, and the shorter boy reached out his arms, cupping Luke's face with his hands, forcing their eyes to meet once again.

"Zander," Luke breathed out, "Please.. This is hard enough as it is..."

"One more kiss," Zander whispered, his warm breath tickling Luke's face, "That's all I ask. Just... Kiss me one more time. I would've cherished our last one more if I knew that that'd be it..." His periwinkle eyes blinked back up at Luke, silently begging him. "You don't have to, but I'd... Really appreciate it..."

Finally, Luke spoke up, "Okay... One more..."

Zander weakly smiled with gratitude, before it faded, his eyes trailing to Luke's lips. "Kiss me like you still love me, please..."

The two slowly leaned forward, though given how close they were, it was only a couple seconds before their lips met.

Zander got a taste of Luke's cherry lip balm, something that happened every time they had kissed before. A bittersweet burst of flavour, one Zander had grown to love. A warmth built up inside of him, and the feeling of coldness the weather had caused his body vanished. That same electric feeling spread through his body, something he had grown familiar with, kissing those soft, pale coral lips. The thought that this would be the last time he felt that way broke his heart.

Luke wrapped his arms around Zander, passionately returning the kiss. His hands trailed further up Zander's back, pulling the mauve-haired boy closer to him. He could feel Zander's silky bangs brushing against his forehead, his soft hands caressing his cheeks.

Snowflakes fell onto the couple, the flickering lamp post reflecting warm light onto them. Anyone passing by would assume that they were a young couple, madly in love, an entire bright future together waiting for them... And that'd be true. Aside from the last part.

A single tear trickled from Luke's eye, as they pulled away in unison. They made eye contact for a moment, before Luke fluttered his eyes shut, pressing their foreheads together.

"I'm so sorry, Zan," He whispered, his voice barely audible, "I love you. So, so much. And I'm so sorry this is how things are ending between us."

Zander lightly chuckled, "It's okay," He murmured. His small grin quickly faded, and he returned to the hurt state he was in before. "I love you too. I'll... Miss you..."

The two finally pulled away, the brief, joyful moment they had shared over. Their last kiss had passed. It was done.

Luke forced a smile. "Until we meet again." He spoke.

"Yeah..." Zander exhaled, his voice high, "Until we meet again..."

And with that, they parted ways. 

Like two strangers, going different directions, never to see each other again.  


I've been feeling quite insecure about my writing recently- Which is why I mainly focused on details in this one
I apologize it's short

I'm also very sorry for my inactivity in this book! I've kind of been falling out of the TMF fandom recently, and Lander isn't my favourite TMF ship anymore so it's been a bit more difficult to write, as I've been a lot more into rare-pairs, crackships and such

Thank you all so much for reading, and for being patient with me! 

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